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"Listen here you little brat! I don't know how but I know you've been moving around this house, messing with my shit, moving me into a bath of blood for Christ sake! I can't take it! I'm going!" Angie screamed at her sister as she cowered in her wheelchair, she'd been taken downstairs for once, obviously for this very loud lecture, she had a feeling Brahms was the one who'd been messing with her, she hadn't seen him in a few days.
"What?! W-what will I do? I won't be able to go upstairs and wash or feed myself..." She whimpers back upset.
"Clearly you can, and I don't really care!" A car honks outside, "That's him..." She goes to leave making Ashley follow in her chair.
"You're abandoning me for a stupid boy?" She yells making her sister turn back around, her hand colliding harshly with her cheek.
"I hate you!" She pushes the girl from the chair making her land with a yelp as Avangeline left, slamming and locking the door. Brahms watched with a silent growl from behind the wall, how dare she? She lay on the floor, her strawberry blonde hair that usually just past her shoulders covering her crying face, her arms feeling bruised and achy.
"Brahms where are you? Why are you doing this to her... To me..." His heart ached, he'd been a bad boy and she was being punished for it, and he'd taken away the doll too, her comfort. He wanted nothing more than to go help her and comfort her but he couldn't, he couldn't be seen.

Ashley passed out after crying and being in pain for so long, weakly calling out for Brahms on occasion. Once he was sure she was asleep he crept from the walls, going to her and cradling her softly as her arms turned a faint purple, they weren't broken but the colour looked sickly painted on her beautiful pale skin. He brushed the strawberry blonde bangs from her face, looking over her. Her freckled cheeks were red and wet and lips chapped but a beautiful rosy pink. He looked up, seeing his reflection, their reflection. His mask broken and glued back together from Greta. God his blood boiled when he thought of her, she was gone now though, for months, he'd had Ashley for a week now, he has Ashley. He had to get her to her bed before she woke. Hesitantly he leant down, stopping as he reached her skin, hovering just above it, he kissed her forehead with the cold porcelain of his cracked mask.

It had been a few days since Avangeline left her and Brahms had been secretly taking care of her, though he'd still taken away the doll and was still coming to her in the night, touching her strawberry blonde hair gently. Most nights he came in and would watch her, sometimes gently touch and kiss with his mask, and other nights he squeezed in beside her and held her tight. This night however, as he was softly stroking her face, she sleepily opened her eyes, looking up at him innocently. "W-who are you..?" She asks in a quiet soft voice, looking over his mask her hand comes out and he sucks in a breath, chest rising heavily in fear. He didn't want to be caught like this, crouching by her while she slept, she wouldn't remove the mask would she? His hand went on top of hers to stop her. "Brahms...?"  She asks with squinting, tired eyes and a yawn that made him blush. He nodded slightly and held her hand with both of his. "I'm dreaming...." She smiles sleepily, "you look like a handsome man." She giggles slightly and frowns "where did... did you..." she falls asleep before she can finish, Brahms taking the opportunity to scramble away, replacing the doll so she wouldn't be so alone.

In the morning, Ashley woke, smiling softly and sighing when she saw the man in her arms had changed back to a doll, how disappointing.
"Brahms?" She looks at his, sadly looking at the doll, holding it's little hand and looking over it's cracked face.

She would go about her day as usual after that, taking small naps, doing yoga and taking care of Brahms as much as she could. God, he loved when she did yoga, tight fitting clothing that showed off her curves, perfect body though she hated it, bending in all kind of erotic ways, just for his eyes. As usual he would prepare a meal for her with whatever groceries were delivered, and present it with a well written note. This time would be different, no pet names or lovey dovey words, only:
"Do you wish to see me again?"
When she received it, she blushed and grew rather flustered, looking at the doll, of course she hadn't notice it move, too busy in yoga or perhaps during her nap, "yes, please." She calls politely into the air. So eager, it almost made him burst from the wall at the very moment, no, no she'd be scared, he'd have to trick her again into believing he was just a dream.

Ashley sighs as the doll remains still and no big masked man appears, "thank you Brahms." She calls softly before eating her meal and placing it back on the tray, hobbling to the bathroom and brushing her teeth, washing her face and changing into a night dress before climbing into Brahms' bed and falling asleep cuddling the doll.

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