Chapter 23

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It's been such a long day

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It's been such a long day.

I had two classes today, and I'm exhausted. I'm going to work out for a little bit because I don't have much else to do.

I'm doing more and more training, so when I workout with the team in January, I don't look like a complete idiot.

I'm starting to practice more vigorously, just because I haven't been sprinting in so long.

I've finally completed all of my heart rehabilitation. I'm cleared from my doctor to play or do whatever, which I'm really happy about.

It's been probably six months since I actually played a soccer game, so I'm nervous to play against girls that haven't stopped.

Not that I don't love it any less, it's just different. Different standards, and honestly different everything.

I just came home from working out. It was a pretty good workout. I'm so tired. I want to go to sleep in my bed. The house is so quiet without anyone here. Nate has practice until six. I think that's what he told me earlier.

I think I'm going to order takeout tonight. Unhealthy food just sounds so good tonight. I walk over to the sink to get some more water in my bottle when I see a note. It reads:


Go, get some pretzels bc you worked hard today:) And read the next note.


Your Superstar

Superstar? Nate? Huh? Why is he giving me a note? I know he told me that he didn't want to go to practice tonight, but he's supposed to be there right now, so I'm genuinely confused about how these are at my house. I walk over to the cabinet and open it up to see another note.


Get yourself some pretzels and then go upstairs and read the next note.



I listen to what the note says and walk up to my room. I open the door to find my bed has my favorite candy and an outfit with another note attached on top of it.

Mia Bear,

Get showered and put this on! Eat some snacks while you get ready :)



What's happening? The outfit is pretty simple, a long sleeve with leggings and Nate's sweatshirt.

I text Nate while I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. What do you have planned?

He responds within seconds. Don't worry about it. Just make sure to read all the notes :)

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