Chapter 28

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I'm picking Mia up from her lecture today.

I picked them up this morning, them being Josie, Maddie, and Mia. Mia woke up late and wasn't able to take them back in time for her class, so she had me drive her and the girls back to campus.

I don't have any class today, and we fly out to Miami tomorrow for our next game.

I hate being away from Mia. It's the worst feeling in the world.

I'm sitting in the car, waiting for the text from Mia, and tells me that she's finished with the lecture, and then I can meet her at the door.

I planned a little date that we can go on today.

It's fast because we both have things to do, but Mia wanted to make sure we spent time together before I left. I hear a ding from my phone and pick it up to see that Mia texted me.

Hi! Just finished lecture, cleaning my stuff up :) & be there in five!

I jump out of the car as I read her text and grab the roses that were on the passenger seat. I grab my sweatshirt and an extra one for Mia because I know she's still adapting to the cold. And because she forgot one this morning.

It's still pretty early, people are walking to their classes, and others, running.

I walk up the steps of the sidewalk and throw my jacket on my body. Then, I see Mia walk out the doors of the building.

With a dude. Is he hitting on her? Should I be worried? Do I need to be a douche to protect my girlfriend?

I grab my flowers and walk towards the two. The guy has style, I'll give him that. He's blond and tall, but not taller than me. Definitely not an athlete, so I know I'm good. Mia likes athletes. She's a cutie.

She laughs at something that the dude says and then turns and spots me. She smiles widely at me and then whispers to the guy. He straightens up and looks frightened.

So, I didn't even have to say anything to this guy, and he's already scared of me!

I keep walking until I get to Mia and then wrap my arms all around her, warming up her cold skin. I pull back and rub my hands up and down her shoulders. "Baby, you're so cold!"

She gives me a big smile, "I know! I forgot one this morning, and yeah." She shrugs.

I pull one off my shoulder and wave in front of her face. "That's why I brought you one. I saw your little cute butt not bring one to class today."

She jabs her elbow into my side, "I'll have you know that I've been working on this cute butt, so you better never make a snarky comment like that ever again." She whispers to me as she narrows her eyes.

I take a step back and throw my hands up. "Hey! I never said it wasn't big!--"

"You called it little, Nathaniel!" She claims.

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