13 | Meet The Parents

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Lyn woke up with a terrible, throbbing headache. Frowning, she tried to heave herself up, only to find out that her back was aching even more. She slumped back down and groaned.

"Oh, you're awake."

Irene sat by her bed, crossed-legged on the chair and munching on a cookie. Lyn cast her a tired glance before rubbing her face.

"Hey, Irene," she mumbled. "We... failed the commission, didn't we?

Irene shrugged. "Yes and no. We didn't capture the Witches, but Cydney managed to get us a lead on their next location, so we did get something out of this commission for the QA to work on. They say they're also gonna try and figure out a stronger antidote against Sybil's subjugation."

Lyn nodded while letting out a dejected sigh. Big commissions like this do not usually lead to immediate success, but she was still disappointed at herself for being struck down so fast. As an elemental mage, there was nothing she could do against subjugators like Sybil Dalman.

Suddenly, Irene's hand struck mercilessly on her head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"That's for being an absolute idiot!" Irene snapped. "Raph told us everything. Why didn't you stay put as you're told? You'd be dead if not for him, you know that?"

"Oh." Lyn chuckled nervously as she rubbed her head. "Sorry, I thought Cinna was in danger so I—"

"Don't you dare push the blame onto Cyd, she's already upset enough about this."

"She's upset? Why? Where is she? Is she safe?"

Ignoring her pain, Lyn sat up and looked around. She was inside a spacious room, but there was nobody else other than her and Irene, and no other patients or beds. Wait, was she in a private hospital room? She was sure that the QA, no matter how influential or rich they were, would not cover such luxury in their commission contract.

Before she could ask about it, Irene gave her yet another smack on the head.

"Shut up about her and worry about yourself first, you fucking idiot! You were the one who almost died!"

"I know, I know, but Cinna was—" Lyn's sentence was cut off when the door slid open, revealing the woman in question

Her eyes lit up. "Cinna!"

"Lyn!" Cydney's widening smile was filled with relief. "You're awake!"


A ginger-haired woman pushed Cydney to the side, bolted into the room, and pounced on Lyn, crushing her with the entire weight of her body.

"My baby!"

"Ah, get off me, Francine!" Lyn struggled against the suffocating embrace, but in her current weak state, she could not win her mother. "Why are you even here?"

"I'm here to see my favorite daughter, of course!" Francine sobbed into Lyn's head. "My poor baby is so hurt from her quest!"

Francine's chest was smothering Lyn's mouth, muffling Lyn's exasperated cries. "What do you mean, favorite? I'm your only daughter!"

(Off to the side, Cydney leaned over to Irene. "Francine?" she whispered.

Irene nodded. "Yeah, she calls her parents by their first name for some reason. It might be a white people thing, I don't know.")

A man with a head of similar reddish hair joined the bear hug as well. "I knew it was a bad idea for you to become a quester! What did I say, Francine? I told you it's dangerous!"

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