17 | The After Party, Part III

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Cydney broke into a smile. "Sure."

"Oh." Lyn was so happy she did not know how to react. "Okay."

A frown tugged at Cydney's brows. "You're not drunk again, are you?"

"I'm not! I'm- I'm completely, a hundred percent, sober."

"Okay." The smile returned. "Let's go, then."

"Right- Right now?"

"Yeah. Do you not want to?"

"No, I do! I do! Of course I want to! Let's go, let's go right now!" The more Lyn spoke, the more she was going to combust in nervousness; she had never felt more flustered in her entire life.

"Okay. Meet me in front of Jen's coffeehouse in about two hours." Cydney's eyes scanned Lyn, before she added, "Could you... Could we let our hair down for the day?"

Lyn blinked. "Uh, yeah, sure."

Cydney beamed in response. She peeled her gaze away and closed the door.

At that moment, Millie and Irene appeared, as if they had teleported right next to Lyn.

"What happened?" Millie squealed.

"Did it go well?" Irene asked. "Did she close the door on you in a good way or a bad way?"

Lyn staggered a little on the spot; her heart rate had increased to an unhealthy level.

"She just..." she whispered while breathing in and out in an attempt to steady her heart. "She just agreed to go out on a date with me."

"Wait, really?" the two concerned friends exclaimed—Millie, in excitement, while Irene, in disbelief.

"Yeah... I'm- I'm meeting her in two hours in Downtown Boston."

Irene narrowed her eyes. "This went almost too well. You sure you didn't feed her a love potion or something?"

"Wha- Where would I even get that?" Lyn huffed.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Millie's hands found Lyn's arms again. "Let's dress you up for a date!"

Once again, before Lyn could react, Millie dragged her out of the hostel and back to her apartment, with Irene trailing behind.

Two hours was usually more than enough time for Lyn to prepare, but with Millie around, that was barely enough time. After a quick shower, Millie spent what felt like forever brushing and styling Lyn's straggly hair. Occasionally, Lyn screamed out in pain, while Irene chortled at the side as she cleaned the apartment.

"And done!" Millie exclaimed, much to Lyn's relief. "One last thing, take this!"

The conjurer summoned a tiny box to her hand and threw it at Lyn.

Catching the box, Lyn's face flushed red in embarrassment—it was a pack of mints.

"T- Thanks, Millie..."

Millie giggled. "Have fun, okay?"

"Not too fun though," Irene added from the other side of the apartment.

Lyn rolled her eyes and left, heading towards the cafe Cydney used to work at. When she reached, a gasp escaped her throat.

Cydney was in front of the glass window. Her silky, black hair flowed down to her waist, and her outfit—a simple shirt and jeans combo that was unassuming yet charming—was enough to take Lyn's breath away.

Her heart rate shot up. Cydney looked so cute with her hair down—so, so cute.

Noticing her, the petite woman gave her a shy wave and trotted over. "Lyn. Your hair is really pretty."

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