46 | The Surprising Surrender

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"I don't remember ever giving you the permission to call me that," Sin-Ni growled.

"Aw, do you not go by that name anymore?" Zi-Han crooned as he combed his black hair with his fingers. "Well, understandable, I don't go by my original name anymore too."

"What the hell do you want, Zhao Zi-Han?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there's no need to be so upset." He put up his hands and laughed so carefreely as if he knew nothing of the pain he had caused her. "What do you think is wrong with her? Time of the month?"

Sin-Ni's eyes flicked to the side to see who Zi-Han was addressing. It was the Masked Ninja. He was standing behind Zi-Han and leaning against the wall. As Zi-Han approached Sin-Ni, the burly man made no move to stop him, nor did he seem to care.

Sin-Ni's fury rose once more. She never liked the stupid masked man, but she had thought that there had been a silent agreement between them: she was his prisoner, but safe from Zi-Han.

But here he was, right in front of her; and here she was, betrayed.

"You told me that I will be far away from him!" she roared, pointing at Zi-Han while glaring at the Masked Ninja. "You told me that I will never see him again!"

The masked head turned away from her, but the body remained stoic and uncaring.

"Oh come on, there's no need to be mad at Teach. Although to be fair, I am pretty mad at him too." Zi-Han shook his head dramatically. "I can't believe you kept my dearest Sin-Sin hidden here all these times! Without our knowledge! And in this dingy ass place too!" he added, waving his hand around and scowling in disgust.

The Masked Ninja gave a small shrug. "Gazini told me I can do whatever I want with her that day. I didn't know he'd change his mind five years down the road."

"Do whatever you want to her? Oh. My. God." Zi-Han's face contorted into about a dozen different expressions—all of them equally vile and ugly. "Teach, you are dirtier than I thought you are! Don't you have a wife or something?"

Teach? Had the Masked Ninja also been teaching Zi-Han how to fight? After all, Zi-Han did look a lot more muscular than she remembered. Not only that, his clothes were nice and fancy, and his face was dewy and smooth. He appeared to have been leading a very comfortable life.

Definitely not one he deserved.

"Anyway, back to you, Sin-Sin." Zi-Han's eyes zeroed in on her once again. As they scanned up and down her body, his lips twitched upwards into a smirk that sent shivers down her spine. After so many years, he still had this effect on her.

"You look... miserable," he said. "Not as hot as I remembered. Well, I guess I didn't have many options then. But after all the women I have had over the years, I'm just not that into you anymore."

Sin-Ni almost vomited out her lunch. "Why the hell are you here then? Leave me alone."

"Oh, you know, doing my part for the old man." Zi-Han shrugged. "Gazini wants an army, but his portals don't work anymore, even with my help. And even with your help too, after Teach offered up your blood that he had been taking without telling us." He narrowed his eyes at the Masked Ninja, who was still looking away from the two of them.

"And then, I suggested the best idea," Zi-Han continued, the grin on his face widening. "What if we just use what we have to create an army? What if the two of us create an army of babies?"

That last sentence struck Sin-Ni like a bolt of lightning. "W- What?"

Zi-Han chortled as he ambled towards her. "What do you think, huh? It's a good idea, right? I know you always wanted to be a mother."

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