What now?

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*takes in a deep breath*

Alright! We are finally done with this long ass book! If you have read all the way here, thank you so, so, so much for being on this ride with me!

If you are ever interested in any extra scenes of this story, I have a short story collection on my profile titled When Love Lasts that contains a few bonus scenes. I will be adding any extra bonus scenes to that book, so do add that book to your library if you're interested to be updated about that.

I also have four other completed books up on my profile that I believe you would love too! Especially if you want more gxg romance to read and more fantasies to enjoy.

Lastly, if you loved this book and would love to tip me for my work, I've linked my Ko-Fi in this in-line. All proceeds will go directly into caffeine to help me write more. ;)

And that's all folks. Peace out. Love you all and have a great day.



1. Who was your favorite character?

2. Who was your least favorite character?

3. What was your favorite scene?

4. What was your least favorite scene?

5. What did you think of the ending?

6. What do you hope to see improved in the next draft?

7. Any other thoughts you would like to share?


ANNNNNNNDDDD I'm done. Love ya peeps. <3

The Lightning MageWhere stories live. Discover now