23 | The Worst Commission, Part III

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CW: *ahem* a small part of this chapter may get a bit... steamy. Read on with precautions.


Lyn leaned against the door and closed her eyes. After taking a few seconds to calm herself down, she gave Cydney a weak smile.

"It's alright now, Cinna, don't worry. No more questions for you, so it won't hurt anymore." She glided her hand through Cydney's hair. "We'll just wait in here until the truth serum is out of your system, and then we'll start over, okay?"

Cydney looked at the door with a curious expression and a knowing smile. "No, it's alright, Lyn. Is there... a commission for me, or something? Are you guys supposed to be questioning me about Blood Magic, and if I'm a Blood Magic user?"

Just hearing about the commission made Lyn's heart clench in agony. "It's a bullshit commission, don't worry about it. I never believed in it anyway. I'm- I'm just going to report to Brendan that you're... that you're not, and be done with it."

"You shouldn't lie to them, Lyn. I... I have done Blood Magic."

Cydney lowered her gaze, but the fear in her eyes was quickly replaced with confusion when Lyn squeezed her cheeks.

"See? I was right. The truth serum is faulty. You're lying right now and you're completely fine."

"Lyn, I'm not..." Cydney let out a soft, exasperated chuckle. "Listen to me, Lyn, I've... I've done Blood Magic before, a- a long time ago. I didn't know what I was doing but I did it, accidentally. I- I would never do it again, but they're right, I've... really done it."

Lyn was unfazed by the confession. "My Cinnamon Pie, lying to me again. It's okay, I know this faulty truth serum is forcing you to lie about everything. Don't worry, Cinna, I won't believe a single word."

"Lyn, come on..." Cydney sighed in frustration. Then, her eyes lit up. Looking up at Lyn with the utmost sincerity, she said, "I love you, Lyn."

The words were uttered in such a sudden, matter-of-fact manner that they knocked out all the air from Lyn's lungs. It took a few seconds before she remembered how to breathe again, and then she just laughed nervously.

"It's- It's okay, Cinna, I know that must- must be a lie too, and- and I'm fine with it, really. You know I'll still love you even if you don't love me back—"

"Lyn, I love you," Cydney repeated calmly. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me since I came to this world."

Lyn's eyes fluttered. "S- See? Now, that's a blatant lie. What about your parents? Your friends, your boyfriend, your brother? How can I be the best thing in this world?" She shook her head. "Truth serum, my ass."

Cydney burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at, Cinna? This is serious stuff! The QA fucking gave me a faulty truth serum and was going to make me ask you all kinds of fucked up questions! I'm pissed. I'm going to find Brendan tomorrow and give him a piece of—"

Lyn was cut off when Cydney yanked her on the collar and planted a kiss on her lips.

Her body froze as though she had been struck by her lightning, while her heart thrashed against her chest. Ever since that fateful day when she had first mistakenly kissed Cydney, she had never dared to kiss her again. But never in a million years would she have expected Cydney to initiate a kiss, especially at a time like this. When the two parted, she stared at the petite woman, mouth agape and struggling to form words.

"C- Cinna...?" she managed; her voice came out like a meek whimper.

Cydney tugged on Lyn's shirt and tip-toed as high as she could, such that her lips were only an inch away from Lyn's.

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