27 | The Team is Back

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As Cameron opened his eyes, he could not help but smile at the sight in front of him. Irene was still sleeping next to him; her ebony cheeks were pressed into the white pillow while her long eyelashes fluttered with her every breath. The soft light of the morning crept through the curtains and landed on her face, resembling a thin streak of fire in the night sky.

He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. A tiny scowl appeared as Irene grunted and stirred.

Chuckling, Cameron hopped out of the bed and made his way to the kitchen. Today shall be pancake day, Irene's favorite. After preparing the bowl of his signature pancake batter, he hovered his palms over the stove. The cooktop lit up; the small blaze danced around as if sensing Cameron's joy.

As he was about to place a pan on the stove, a voice from the living room startled him.

"Hello there."

Cameron almost dropped the pan as he spun around. A white woman with braided auburn hair sat on the dining table, holding onto a large cup of coffee and smiling at him. Her bright green eyes were fixated on him in a curious, almost provocative manner.

He realized that he was not wearing pants, and he quickly covered his banana-patterned boxer briefs with the frying pan.

"Erm, w- who are you?" he asked, as he inched his hands over to a knife on the side.

"That's what I should be asking you," the woman said with a small smirk. She was staring at him so intensely that he squirmed in discomfort.

"W- What do you mean?" Cameron held up the knife he managed to grab. "You should get out of here before I call the police."

The woman let out a hearty laugh. "Put the knife down, my dude. You are no match for me at all. And also, you do know that you don't have to call the police if you have Irene, right? She's way more capable."

"You know Irene?" Cameron frowned. Then, it occurred to him. "Oh, are you Lyn? Her roommate?"

The woman took some time to finish her coffee before getting up from the table.

"And you are?" she asked, her eyebrows raised as she walked towards him.

"C- Cameron," Cameron whispered. His wary eyes darted from the approaching redhead to his embarrassing briefs. "Nice to meet you, but, erm, I'm not wearing pants, so..."

"Oh yeah, I noticed." Lyn leaned forward on the kitchen counter. "Very cute briefs, did Irene buy you that?"

Lyn's unwavering gaze sent chills down Cameron's spine. He gulped; he had never been in a situation like this before, and this was... very awkward and very weird.

"Erm... yeah..."

"Aw, she's never bought me things like that." Lyn was staring straight at his briefs, which made things even more uncomfortable. "So, how long have you two been together for?"

"T- Two months..."

"Two months? Wow, she must really like you. You know, I've never met any of her other boyfriends before, even those that she dated for longer."

Cameron did not know what to say to that. Fortunately, Irene walked out of the room at that point.

"Morning babe, what are you making for—" She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the unexpected visitor. "Lyn?"

"Hey dude," Lyn greeted.

Irene's face lost all color. "Cameron, g- go back to the room..."

Cameron didn't need to be told twice before he bolted out of the kitchen. In his hurry, the frying pan and knife clashed loudly on the counter.

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