Chapter 17 - Storm, Shut Up

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Chapter 17 - Storm, Shut Up

"Pancakes," I say, flipping them off the pan into the air with the hopes of Chris going to catch them.

"Jeez, give a warning," he complains, reaching for them.

"Why, you caught them anyway," I reply.

"You caught them anyway," he mimics walking towards the table.

"Stormy can I have orange juice," Noah asks.

"Of course captain," I reply, heading to the fridge. We're all making breakfast and getting ready. We're probably gonna go skating today now that everyone is refreshed.

"So," Ashley starts. "I was thinking. Since tomorrow is Christmas we should do something fun," she says.

"Well we could ski," I suggest.

"No like something fun," she smiles.

"Storm," Noah calls my name.

"Yeah buddy," I answer.

"Traditions," he reminds me.

"Of course, I didn't forget," I reply, ruffling his hair sitting down in between Noah and Sam. He wanted Chris on one side and me on the other.

"Every year I take Noah to write a letter to Santa and get his picture with him, make gingerbread houses and ornaments for the tree, dance to Christmas music,

Donate toys to a kids hospital, make wreaths and mistletoes, play in the snow, watch movies and more. On Christmas Eve which is today and tomorrow Christmas Day," I explain.

"We were thinking something more grown up," Cate says.

We? They talked about this? Why am I not included?

"What were you guys thinking," I ask.

"The spa and going out to eat you know. Maybe see a festival or movie," Ashley answers like it's the easiest thing in the world.

"That's not really Christmasy," Nick says.

"Well who cares," Cate snaps.

"Well you guys are welcome to do what you like but I'm going to continue my traditions with Noah. Anyone is welcome to join," I say trying to remain calm.

"Whatever told you she wouldn't," I hear Ashley whisper to Cate.


After breakfast Noah and I are doing crafts and our letter to Santa. We made snowflakes, wreaths and mistletoes. We're dressed in our ugly sweaters and Santa hats. Well Noah is wearing an elf hat.

"Mistletoes," Chris' voice books behind me. I flinch at the sudden sound only to hear him chuckle.

"Yup," I say, handing them to him.

"Hang them up in some doorways," I direct, pushing him the opposite direction.

"Pushy," he banters.

"Alright Noah what now," I ask.

"Sleep," he replies.

"Sleep?," I ask, stunned.

"Tired my head hurts," he says, I feel his head and he is a tad warm. I hope he isn't sick.

"Alright come on," I say lifting him up on my hip. I place Noah in the bed tucking him in tight. As I leave his room and about to walk into mine I stop at the sight of seeing a mistletoe above my doorway.

"Chris," I call out.

"Ugh, how'd you notice," he groans coming out from behind the door.

"Gonna take much more than that," I tease.

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