Chapter 2 - Latimer

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Chapter 2 - Latimer

I've been in bed for the past half hour just staring at the ceiling. I'm definitely not a morning person. See the problem isn't waking up but getting out of bed.

"You're still not up," Sarah laughs coming back from the showers.

"Urgh. I'll meet you in the cafeteria," I groan attempting to get up. Rolling out of bed seems like a good idea till you land on the hard floors. "Shit," I mutter rolling out of my blankets on the floor.

"See you at breakfast," Sarah says, closing the door on her way out.

Standing up from the floor, replacing my grey blanket on my bed I began putting on my uniform. I settled on the skirt rather than the pants, I just find them more comfortable and easy. I put on the white collared shirt and loosely tied the tie. Throwing on the school's navy blue crew neck. According to the school as long as it has the school logo on it you can wear it to class. With some exceptions, like no sweatpants yet you can wear a jersey. But only like once a week to class. I have no clue why.

The crew neck is surprisingly very comfy for school clothing merchandise but then again it was expensive as hell.I finished getting ready and  grabbed my phone off my desk and backpack off the floor. Leaving heading to the cafeteria.


As I walked into the cafeteria I realized they had a crepe bar. Of course I wasn't about to miss out on that. I grabbed a plate and began grabbing crepes. I took like 5 but they're pretty thin. Along with fruits, chocolate chips, marshmallows, whip cream and strawberry syrup. What can I say a girl's gotta eat. It may be unhealthy but I couldn't care less.

I started walking over to Sarah and where her friends were. I didn't want to sit with the boys if they didn't want me to. At least Chris doesn't. I halted in my tracks as I heard my name being yelled from across the cafeteria.

"STORM! STORM!," I whipped my head around to see Nick jumping up and down on a wooden chair with an ice coffee in one hand and waving his other in the air.

"Sit with us Storm," he yells. Lots of heads turned my way with everyone staring but I just brushed it off and began walking towards them.

"Alright, alright Nick. I think that's enough coffee," I say while taking it out of his hand sipping on the sweet caramel bitterness through the straw. I place myself in the free seat between Sam and Nick. With JJ and Chris across the circular wooden table.

"So Walker finally decided I wasn't a burden," I say referring to Chris not wanting me here. Chris scoffed

"Don't worry Campbell you can have a piece of the anytime, all you gotta do is ask, babe" he states waving his arms up and down gesturing towards his body. I wish I could say gross but he looks like he works out with his toned body.

"Not in a million years, babe," I reply, mimicking his tone.

"Bet I'll get you falling for me in no time," he winks.
Cocky much?

"See the problem is by the time I fall for you pigs will fly,".

"Chris' first rejection how cute," Sam chimes in.

"So Thunderstorm ," Sam continues.

"Storm," I corrected. I prefer Storm. Only certain people call me thunderstorm.

"I like Thunderstorm,"

"And I like Samuel," I reply nonchalantly.

"Touché, so um, Storm. How'd you get detention yesterday," Sam asks.

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