Chapter 1 - Detention

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Chapter 1 - Detention

Going to your own mother's funeral is something I never expected to do. At least not at 17. I knelt down in front of her grave and placed down her favourite yellow daisies before getting up and saying goodbye, one last time.

I sat in the backseat of a yellow taxi watching the rain droplets race down the window on the way to the airport.


Pulling up to a large school that looks bigger than the airport and runway combined had me feeling intimidated. The car came to a complete stop before the driver opened my door for me to step out.

"Here we go" I breathe out. Ready for a fresh start and an easy getaway. It seemed pretty empty for a Sunday evening in comparison to my hometown.
Leaving the front office the lady handed me my files, a map, schedule and room key. The place was huge. It was at least a ten-minute walk to my dorm.

Opening my room door revealed a half-empty side and the other splattered in colours and artistic drawings. I think it's safe to say my roommates an artist and nowhere to be found. I sat criss cross legged on my bed taking in the new space where I'll be for the next year.
After unpacking the door opened and revealed a girl with pin-straight black hair, in a yellow sundress.

"Oh my gosh. Hi, I'm Sarah," she squeals.

"Storm," I reply mirroring her smile.

"Well if you need help setting up, finding classes or even the gossip on school, I'm your girl," Sarah says eagerly.

"Well, I'm done setting up, classes are tomorrow. So how about gossip," I retort.

I usually don't care about gossip but I thought it'd help me get close with my roommate if we talked. I sat on my bed and grabbed my sandwich out of my backpack as she talked about all the food and back teachers and their affairs. Afterwards, it started getting interesting as she talked about students.

"Stay clear of the 'Five Stars'. There's really four of them, but one got kicked out of the group and no one knows why".

I personally didn't care about "staying clear" of four guys who think they're all that. I do what I want.

"There's JJ Parsons," she continues, "light brown hair, light brown eyes. He's filthy rich and won't hesitate to insult you. Pretty mean. His dad owns like 50 law firms or something. He's drop-dead gorgeous but girls really only try and get with him for his money and looks. He doesn't let many people in since they just want money. Even though everyone here is richer than me already,".

I cocked my head to the side and furrowed my eyebrows wondering what she meant. She just monotonously says "scholarship kid,".
"Anyways," she adds.

"Nick Caesar, dark brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. Mainly class clown but super hot. Captain of the football team and really funny," she mumbles

"Then there's Sam Reed. Dirty blond hair, green-ish blue-ish eyes. He's chill and smart but always always has a new girl on his arm every month. He gets in a lot of trouble too. But all of Five Star does,"

I could've sworn I was about to fall asleep till she started yelling.

"And last but not least!" Her voice gradually went back to a normal level.

"Mr. Bad Boy Christopher Walker. Very rich and hot. He has probably slept with like half the girls on campus though. Co-Captain of the basketball team. With his dark brown hair and hazel green eyes, girls can't resist him. But he'll do nothing but break your heart," she announces as if it was a game show.

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