Chapter 24 - I'll Be Back Soon

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Chapter 24 - I'll be back soon

"I don't need a wheelchair, I can walk you loons," I complain. I'm being wheeled out of the hospital when I can walk perfectly fine. I'm finally getting discharged and it took forever. I honestly hated being in a hospital, I need actual real food.

"Calm down Thunder," Chris says.

"Easy for you to say, I like being in charge," I retort.

"Bet you do," Chris smirks and I smack his arm.

"I meant in charge of my body," I correct only to see as Chris' smirk grows.

"I mean where I go and being able to walk you dirty buffoon," I assure.

"Sure I'm the dirty buffoon," Chris rolls his eyes playfully.

"Just get me home," I say leaning back into the wheelchair.


Right now we're all eating lunch. Minus Ashley she's got student council or debate club, I don't know. Anyways today was pizza and let me tell you it's so good.

"Hey," Hayley says walking towards the table. She then glares at me. Guess we're back to this stage, good.

"Hey," everyone else lazily responds. No one likes Hayley but apparently she can't take the hint.

From Sammy☠️:
I dare you to kiss Chris. Like right now!

I read the text from Sam off my phone and look up at him. I see him mouth "do it" and I look to Chris and Hayley in some conversation. I don't want to lose but- actually screw buts. We only regret the things we didn't do, right?

I get up from my table and walk around approaching Chris. Chris' eyes stay on me the whole time I walk over. Hayley then looks to me but I ignore her and lightly push her to the side. I quickly look to Sam to make sure he's recording so it counts and back to Chris.

I plant a quick 3 second kiss on his lips softly before getting back up and walking back to my seat. Should've seen the look on Hayley's face. Hilarious. Once I sit down I continue to eat my pizza.

I look up to see everyone staring at me.

"What," I ask with a mouth full of pizza. Gross I know.

"What was that," Chris questions and I smirk.

"My dare," I say innocently showing him my phone

"That kiss didn't seem like just a dare princess," he smirks.


"Oh look at the time we have our Chem project. Have to go, byee," I quickly say grabbing my bag.

"Next for our presentation is Christopher and Thunderstorm," the teacher announces.

I walk up to the front carrying our poster with Chris next to me carrying the experiment needs. It's supposed to be a 15 minute presentation. This girl really expects me to talk for 15 minutes about science, yeah right.


After chemistry I decided to head back to the dorm. You know how you're supposed to wait 2-4 weeks after an appendectomy before resuming normal activities. Yeah I didn't, in fact I waited a day but the chemistry project couldn't wait.

I do have an exemption from all my classes for the next week but I think I'll at least try every other day or something. I mean boarding school is a shit ton more work then just a regular high school.

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