Chapter 36 - Heels (Phase-2)

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"Chris!" I cry out.

"Oh shit, my bad," he curses scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"You'd think you wouldn't spill chemicals all over my laptop. We're gonna have to do it by hand now," I explain.

"Well it's not my fault I left mine at the dorm," he says raising his hands in defence.

"Yeah should've brought it so you could spill your own chemicals on your own laptop," I mutter.

"Come on, it's not that bad. At least it's pink now," he says.

"Just what I want, a broken, pink laptop with a potassium permanganate solution spilt all over it," I sigh.

"I'll buy you a new one," Chris says leaning back in his chair biting on the end of his pen.

Basically we're in an empty classroom doing a chem lab. Ever since Chris' little smoke bomb stunt we are temporarily suspended from doing labs in the classroom with everyone. Since we put "students' health and well being at risk" or whatever.

"You're getting paper," I say, throwing myself up on the table.

"Or I can kiss my girlfriend," Chris says standing up and placing himself in between my legs.

"We're in a school classroom and unless you want to fail our school assignment you'll get paper," I pout.

"Urgh fine. Why is my girlfriend so strict," Chris complains walking to the other side of the room.

"Why is my boyfriend so lenient," I say as Chris searches through the classroom looking for paper.

"Found some!" He yells waving paper around in the air.

"Good. My arm is broken and you broke my laptop too so now you can rewrite everything I typed on the laptop," I demand.

"Or we can do something fun," Chris suggests and I throw a pen at him.

"Ahhh!" I squeal running around the classroom as Chris chases me.

"You know this isn't gym class we really should work," I say as I reach the end of the table.

"If it isn't gym class why're you playing dodgeball with a pen," Chris says at the other end of the table.

I wait for Chris to make a move and sprint down the opposite direction across the classroom.

"You know if only you weren't so clumsy you wouldn't have to write," I mention.

"Or if your laptop and pink liquid wasn't in the way I wouldn't have spilt it," Chris reciprocates, chasing after me and I run the opposite direction.

"It's called potassium pomegranate," I make clear.

"It's called potassium pomegranate," Chris mocks my voice.

I sprint around a table but not fast enough when Chris grabs me by the waist with one arm pulling me to his side.

"Damn basketball player," I mutter under my breath.

"More like best basketball player," Chris corrects looking down at me.

"Cocky," I suggest.

"Mm something like that," Chris mumbles leaning in for a kiss.

"Is this what doing work looks like," our science teacher says entering the class. Pretty sure she startled Chris because he dropped me.

"Ow," I groan as I hit the floor.

"Sorry," Chris whispers, helping me up.

"I mean technically we are doing chemistry," Chris smirks and I slap his shoulder.

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