Chapter 8 - Act Natural Pt.1

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Chapter 8 - Act Natural

"Open the door!" Knock Knock

"Ughhh," I groan, rolling over.

Knock, knock

"Shit," I screech, falling to the ground. I hear a low chuckle and look up to see Chris. Lying on my bed, in my dorm.

"Jeez Storm, open the fucking door!" Knock, knock

"Coming!" I yell. Shit what do I do now.

"Chris go hop in the other bed," I whisper.

"Why," he whines pouting. I yank his arm and pull him out of bed dragging him the other side of the room. "Not like we haven't slept together before," he smirks. I shove him onto the bed and walk towards the door. "Feisty," I hear him mumble as I open the door.

"Thought you were dead," Ashley says, throwing her bag at me.

"I was going to break down the door," I hear Nick yell from behind her. Looks like the whole squad is here I think to myself seeing Sam and JJ enter behind them.

"Have you seen Chris, I di-. Huh never mind," Sam says as he spots Chris on Sarah's old bed.

"What's he doing here," Ashley whispers, sitting next to me on my bed. Time for one of my infamous lies.

"He was pretty drained so I told him he could sleep on Sarah's old bed," I shrug. JJ and Sam join Chris on Sarah's bed while Nick plops down on my bean bag.

"Anyways, there's a party tonight. It's like 20 minutes from here and we're all going," Nick says.

"We just went to a dance last night," I explain.

"Well take a nap cause we're all going," Nick says.

"I can't," Ashley interrupts. "I have a dumb project to do with my partner, and student council meeting, and a test tomorrow and essay I haven't started that's due in two days," she goes on.

"Shit Ashley, do you always procrastinate," I ask.

"Pretty much, if it's not due today I don't do it today. But I'm gonna be pulling an all nighter trying to get it in," she adds.

"Okay, everyone else is still going, I've got practice so see you at 8:45 don't be late" Nick says getting up to leave.

"I've got a meeting in 20 minutes I have to go to" Ashley says leaving.

"Sam and I have practice," Chris says, getting up. Everyone leaves till it's just JJ and I left.

"You don't have anything," I ask. JJ shakes his head no. "Any good at chemistry I need help with my work," I ask. I'm desperate.

"Sure let's do it," he nods.


For the next hour and a half JJ and I work on my science homework. Why is it taking so long because I suck that's why. I'm smart just not in the science field.

"Let's get food, I'm starving," I complain to JJ. We both get up and head out to a cafe nearby. As we head in we order food and sit in a booth. I notice JJ looking around and I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Come on," he grabs my hand and leads me to the bookshelves in the cafe. He points at a one-seater couch in front of the bookshelf of American literature.

"Sit," he says and I oblige confused wear this is going.

He pulls a camera out of his bag and looks through the viewfinder. Then he lightly taps his index finger on his chin staring at me.

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