Chapter 4

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*2nd POV*

It was after the meeting the next day when England got a phone call from his boss, telling him that he needed to come in for a meeting. There was only one thing that was wrong, he wouldn't be able to take you with him. So, he had to hurry and find you a last minute babysitter, it would only be for a couple of hours so surely he'd be able to find one. England was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a voice call out to him,

"Hey Iggy what seems to be the problem? You look super stressed?"

England turned towards America and sighed, "My boss just called and told me that I have to go into a meeting, but the problem is no one will be able to watch (C/N)."

"I can totally watch them for you my dude!" America exclaimed.

"Um, are you sure you're okay with doing that?" England asked hesitantly.

"Of course! Watching a kid will super easy! I'm the hero after all!" America replied.

"If you're sure you can handle it, I guess you can watch them." England said.

~Time skip to England and your household~

England was preparing for his meeting when you came downstairs from your room to see what was going on.

"Big brother England, are you going somewhere?" You asked.

England turned towards you, "Ah, (C/N), I'm going to a meeting with my boss for a couple of hours. But don't worry you won't be here by yourself, I have arranged for a colleague of mine to watch you while I'm out."

You nodded, "Who is it?"

Right as England was about to speak, the doorbell rang, "Ah there he is right now. Come along and I'll introduce you two."

England walked towards the door with you following behind, curious as to who it will be watching you. He opened the door and started to talk to whoever was there,

"Hello America, thank you again for watching (C/N) while I'm gone."

"It's no biggie my dude." The voice replied, who you knew now was called America.

England then stepped to the side so you could see the visitor, "Alright love, this is America and he'll be babysitting you while I'm gone, okay?"

"Hey there little dude! I'm America also known as Alfred F. Jones and I'm the hero!" America exclaimed.

You nodded, "I'm (C/N), also known as (Y/N)," you turned towards England, "I'm going to go back to my room."

England patted your head, "Alright Love."

You then went and walked back to your room, and as soon as you were out of sight England turned back to the dirty-blonde, "Okay America, before I leave I need to inform you of some things, you two are NOT to leave the house, but if you ABSOLUTELY have to, take this backpack with you," he pointed to a (F/C)[Favorite Color] backpack that was next to the coat rack, "I already have a snack prepared for them if they get hungry, and if I'm not back by 7 I also have a meal prepared then after that they must get ready for be and be in bed by 8. Any questions?" England finished.

"Nope! We'll be fine, especially since I'm the hero!" America reassured.

"Okay..." England replied, he was pretty sure everything was going to be okay with having his ex-younger brother watch you but part of him still had a bad feeling about this.

He pushed those thoughts back before calling out, "(C/N)! I'm going to be leaving now!"

The two countries heard the pitter patter of small feet coming down the stairs, and England felt you hug his legs. England then bent down to your height to give you a full hug before giving you a peck on your forehead then said,

"Alright I'll be back in a couple of hours, make sure to behave while I'm gone, okay?"

You smiled at your older brother before nodding.

England returned the smile, before patting your head and then made his way outside, waving at you before getting into his car. You waved back at him before watching him drive off.

America closed the door before looking at you, "Alright little dude what do ya want to do now that Iggy is gone?"

You shrugged your shoulders in response, "I think I'll just go back to my room."

America sweat dropped at your bland response, "Uh okay, little dude you go do that I guess."

You then walked back to your room.

"Well what am I going to do now." America said out loud, he then suddenly got an idea, "I know exactly who to call!"


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