Chapter 2

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In this the countries are going to refer to each other by their country names, but in public they will use their human names.

Also their accents won't apply to their thoughts


*England's POV*

It was finally time for the world meeting and I was thinking about the week I spent with the new nation I encountered.

I found out that their human name was (F/N) (L/N)-the last name was the same as their 'parents,' but it might change to whoever will raise them-they were about 6 years old in human years. The name of their country was (C/N) and they were about 60 years in country years, which I was surprised that a country hadn't found them sooner.

I looked at the rear view mirror and saw (C/N) looking out the window of the car, they were a bit reserved at first, but once they opened up I found out that they were mostly laid back and very friendly.

~Short time skip~

Soon enough, we arrived at the meeting hall in London. I got out of the driver's seat, then went to the back and helped (C/N) get out and grabbed my briefcase as well. I then picked them up so that they won't get lost in the meeting hall, especially with all of the countries that will be there. I did arrive earlier than usual, so that little (C/N) wouldn't be overwhelmed especially since all of the attention will be on them today.

We went inside and I signed in before we made our way to the meeting room. There was a small amount of countries inside, as expected. I carried (C/N) to my seat and sat my briefcase down, then heard a familiar voice,

"England, who's that? Are they the new nation Germany talked about?"

I turned and saw one of my friends, Norway. "Ah, yes, this is (F/N) (L/N), they're the personification of (C/N)." I replied.

I felt a tug on my shirt, then heard (C/N) whisper, "England, who is he?"

"This is a good friend of mine, his name is Lukas Bondevik, he's the personification of Norway." I explained.

(C/N) nodded in understanding, then gave Norway a small wave, which Noway nodded in return.

~Time skip to when the meeting starts~

*(C/N)'s POV*

I was currently on England's lap, waiting for the meeting to start so that we could find out which country/countries would raise me.

I had met a good amount of countries before the meeting started, most of them were friends with England. Suddenly I heard a voice boom over the rest who were chatting,

"As many of jou know, England had recently found a new nation. So today ve are going to dedicate it to vho vill be raising zhem. Vhat ve are going to do is, for zhose who vould be villing to raise zhem, raise jour hand and state vhy jou vould be zhe best option, zhen ve vill decide."

A good amount of hands shot up, including England.

Germany spoke, "Alright, ve'll start vith England, since he is zhe one who found zhe nation after all."

England stood up then set me down on his chair, then cleared his throat, "I think that I should raise (C/N) because I have raised multiple countries-"

"And we can see 'ow that turned out, just look at America."

"Shut up you bloody frog! I'll have you know that I also raised New Zealand, Australia, and Canada you twat!"

"You only raised Canada after me! I think that I should raise the new country."

"As if!"

*lots of arguing between France and England*

"I think I should raise the little panda, I have raised most of Asia aru."

"Oh yeah?! Then explain South Korea!"

"He is my only regret... The rest are great though!"

Suddenly more and more countries who wanted to raise me started to join the arguing, calling it hectic would be an understatement. More like Armageddon...

While they were arguing I suddenly got a flash back to before my mom died,


I knew Mom's health was getting worse, but I had no idea what I was supposed to do once she was gone. I would have no where to turn to...

"(F/N). Come here my dear." My mother called out.

I walked towards her bedside, "Yes?"

She looked at me, "We both know that my end is near, but I am going to tell you what you need to do when I'm gone."

I tilted my head, "What is it?"

"You know how your grandmother told you that you were a personification right?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, that I'm the personification of (C/N)."

"Well, once I'm gone, I want you to go find others who are like you." She explained.

"Like me? You mean personifications?" I questioned.

"Yes, but there is one that you need to find in particular." She confirmed.

I raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

"England." She answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"You are part of the England Isles. So whoever you find tell them to bring you to him. He is your true family, promise me you'll do it." She stated.

"Okay. I promise."

~Flashback end~

I could feel my eyes widen in shock, how could I forget something as important as that?!

I made my towards Germany, avoiding the feuding countries the best I could. Once I got towards him, I tugged a bit at his pant leg.

*Germany's POV*

As I was trying to calm myself down from the craziness of the countries so that I wouldn't burst a vein or something of the sort, I felt a tug on my pant leg. I looked down and saw (C/N), the reason everyone was fighting, but it looked like they wanted to say something.

"Uh, Mr. Germany, I just remembered something that my Mommy told me before she died. It's really important." They said.

Please tell me it's something to stop all this fighting.

"Vhat is it?" I asked.

"It's about who's supposed to raise me." (C/N) replied.

Oh thank God.

I raised an eyebrow, "Alright, vhat vas it zhat she said?"

"She told me that my country was part of the England Isles, and that England was my true family." They explained.

Alright. I know some countries won't be happy(*cough*France*cough*) with this, but I don't care at this point.


The room went dead silent.

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