Chapter 8

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*2nd POV*

After you and the Nordics finished eating at the café, they decided to bring you back to your house and watch you for England. Since the one(s) who were supposed to watch you clearly weren't fit for the task.

Once you guys had arrived, you were able to let them in with the spare key that was under the doormat outside. You and the Nordics had settled down in the living room as you guys awaited for either your babysitters to come back or your older brother to return home.

~Time skip~

England had just returned home from his tiring meeting, then he walked up to the front door before unlocking it and going inside.

"I'm home." England called out.

Soon after he heard the pitter patter of tiny feet then felt you hug his legs. He smiled as he picked you up then hugged your tiny form.

"And what did you do while I was gone?"

"I went to a police station."

"That's nice-Wait did you say police station?!"

You nodded your head.

England was completely baffled by your response,

"May I ask why you went to a police station?"

"I got lost."

Before he could ask any further questions, he heard a cheerful voice exclaim,

"Hello England!"

He looked towards the voice, "Finland?! What are you doing here?"

Finland then proceeded to explain what you had told him and the other Nordics(besides Denmark), and by the end of the explanation England was very upset, but didn't show it because he didn't want to scare you. Although he was happy that you were okay, but oh when he gets his hands on the Awesome Trio, they would regret the day they were ever born.

England sighed, calming himself down, "Thank you for taking care of (C/n) after what happened."

"It was no big deal! It was nice spending time with the little cutie(THIS IS A TOTALLY PLATONIC STATEMENT ISTG IF ANYONE MAKES THIS WEIRD I WILL THROW HANDS). Also its the least we could do since one of ours was the reason that they got lost." Finland replied.

You blushed in embarrassment by being called a 'cutie' by Finland, since the only people who had done this before was your adopted family so you hid in the crook of England's neck. England and Finland both chuckled at your action.

Then right at that moment they heard the door open and in stepped the three culprits that had lost you.

The three of them started to sweat nervously as they saw England glare at them.

"Hey Iggy! How are you doing?" America asked nervously.

Completely ignoring America, England turned to Finland and asked, "Finland can you please take (C/n) to the living room, I need to have a talk with these three."

"Sure thing!" Finland said before England handed you over to him, knowing very well that England didn't want to expose you to the violence that was about to occur. "We'll just go and watch a movie with the others."

And as soon as you were out of earshot he turned back to the three, and if looks could kill, they'd be obliterated right now. Which then at that moment, the three countries knew that they had fucked up, and in one of the worst ways possible.



Heyo dear readers, hope you liked this chapter!

Sorry for the wait, I've just been really busy with college so I wasn't/won't be able to update as often as I would like to for my books

Sad times :(

Anyways hope you all have a great morning/day/afternoon/evening/night or whenever you read this!

- Spirit-Chan

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