Chapter 6

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*2nd POV*

"So what's your plan Prussia?"

"Well you see, once the little birdie is hungry, we will take them out to go get food. Then, after we eat, we'll go out and just hang out."

"I see, that's a great plan Prussia!"

"Ja, I know, I'm the best."

And as if by magic, they heard footsteps coming downstairs and your small voice speak, "America, I'm hungry."

"Alright, well get your shoes on so that we can go and eat!" America replied.

You tilted your head, "But I'm pretty sure my big brother already prepared a snack for me..."

"I mean, Iggy didn't tell me about a snack, and we want to go out and treat you little dude." America lied, knowing full well that England had prepared a snack for you in advance.

"Okay..?" You said hesitantly, because although you had only been living with England for a short while, this behavior seemed odd.

After getting prepared to go outside, you made sure to grab the small backpack that your brother had prepared for you, before leaving with the other three countries.

You made sure to grab America's hand as you guys were leaving, so that you wouldn't get lost.

~mini time skip~

You and the Awesome Trio had just arrived at a park that was a few minutes from your home, and were looking for a food stand to get snacks.

America lead you to a bench, and told you to wait there until they came back. With that they left in different directions to look for a food stand. Surely you'd be fine by yourself, right? Right..?

~slightly longer time skip~

It had been about 20 minutes since the Awesome Trio had went to look for food, and you were starting to get slightly worried that they had lost you, seeing as it had gotten a bit crowed since they left. But you being the smart child you were, decided to go and find a police station to help you out.

With that plan in mind, you set off to find a police station.

It wasn't that hard to find one, there was one that was only a quick walk there.

You went inside and walked up to the front desk,

"Excuse me."

The receptionist looked up from her work and brought her attention to you. The receptionists' eyes widened, probably because a small child without a guardian of some sort wasn't with them had just walked into a police station

"Why hello there little one, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I got lost from my babysitter." You replied.

She gave a small gasp, "Oh dear, do you know their phone number so that we can call them?"

"Well no," you put your backpack on the ground and brought out a small notebook and flipped a couple of pages before stopping, "but this phone number is my a friend of my brother's, so can you please call him." You said pointing to a phone number in the notebook.

The receptionist grabbed the notebook, then dialed the phone number, "Sure thing sweetie, why don't you wait on the chairs over there while I call him."

You nodded your head, "Okay."

~Meanwhile with the Nordics(besides Denmark obv)~

Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland were window shopping when Norway got a phone call from a random phone number.

"Hello?" Norway said after answering the phone call.

"Hello, does this happen to be Lukas Bondevik?" the person on the other line asked.

"Yes, this is he. Who is this?" Norway answered.

"This is the London Police Station, I'm calling to inform you that we need you here right away." the person stated.

"Okay." Norway replied, then hung up the phone.

Norway grumbled as he put his phone away.

"Who was it?" Finland asked wondering why his friend seemed upset.

"The police." Norway replied.

"Oh. I see. Well let's go pick up Matthias." Finland stated.

Little did the countries know, that it actually wasn't Denmark who was at the police station.


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