Chapter 10

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So the 2ps will be introduced in this chapter so everyone is going to go by their human names so it'll be easier for me to write so I won't accidently put 2p where it doesn't go :)

2p America - Allen or Al

2p England - Oliver or Ollie 

2p Norway - Loki


*2nd POV*

All of a sudden the shattering of a mirror was heard and all of the personifications in the room stood up preparing for whatever Oliver had in store. They then heard a sickly sweet voice, 

"Well lookie at what we have here~ All of our 1p personifications here to try and stop us, how cute~"

The 1ps looked towards where the voice was coming from, and were surprised to see not only Oliver, but the 2p Nordics as well. 

"What are the 2p Nordics doing here? I thought you guys didn't like each other!" Arthur exclaimed.

"That may be true, but any chance to fight our 1ps is a chance we'll take." Loki said with a closed-eye smile.

"What the hell do you want with (Y/n) you monster?!" Arthur growled. 

"Ah, I guess before we ultimately fight you I can tell you about the little duckling and I." Oliver replied.

Oliver cleared his throat, "You see I happened to be close to (Y/n)'s foster parents. Close enough to where I was like an uncle to them. We had so many cherished memories together, but of course you 1ps just had to ruin that."

"How could we have ruined it?!"


The 1ps were all flabbergasted by Oliver's statement, why did he go as far as killing your foster parents and hiding your existence, just to keep you to himself?

"I can see that you're all confused, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that (Y/n) is coming with us, whether you like it or not." Oliver said. 

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL!" Arthur screamed, casting a spell towards the 2ps as he did. 

The 2ps managed to dodge the spell, leaving a scorch mark on the wall.

Oliver pouted, "Well that was quite rude of you, Artie. I thought you were suppose to be a gentleman."

"Don't call me that YOU WANKER!" Arthur retorted, lunging towards Oliver. 

And with that action, the fight between to the 1ps and 2ps began. The 1ps were too focused on fighting their counterparts, that they failed to notice a certain auburn haired personification slip past the chaos and make his way upstairs.

~With Allen~

Allen walked down the hallway towards your room, following Oliver's directions. He looked at the door up and down, "So this is it huh?"

He went and grabbed the handle of the door but reeled back as pain shot throughout his body, "FUCK!"

Allen blew on his hand, "Guess they were smart enough to enchant it?" he reach into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small pouch, "Well its a shame that it's all going to be wasted with this."

He poured a bit of the pouch's contents into his hand and put some on the door handle before once again grabbing it, this time he didn't feel any pain. Allen smirked, "Smart, but not smart enough."

He turned the handle but it wouldn't budge, he raised an eyebrow, "Locked huh?" then smirked, "Well that's an easy fix."

Allen raised one of his legs up, then kicked the door in with a loud crash.

He warily looked inside the room, hoping to not have woken up the young personification, as it would make his job harder than it needed to be.

Allen walked towards your sleeping form before sighing in relief, you hadn't woken up.

He reached into his other jacket pocket and grabbed another pouch, he reached in and scattered some of its contents on top of you. Oliver said that it was some sleeping powder, so that you wouldn't wake up to the chaos that would inevitably happen. 

Carefully he reached down and grabbed you, then started to make his way out of his room and down the stairs. Allen saw the chaos as he descended down the staircase a little jealous he couldn't fight his 1p.

"Yo Ollie! Time to go, I've got the goods!" Allen called out.

Everyone's heads shot towards his voice, different voices replied back. 

"Oh yay! Good job Al!" Oliver cheered. 

"You put them down this instant!" Arthur growled. 

But before any of the 1ps could make a move to try and save you, Oliver threw some powder at the 1ps, them freezing in place as soon as it touched their skin.

Allen then handed you to Oliver, who kissed your forehead before snuggling you. He then cast a spell that made a portal assumably to the 2p world. All the 2ps waved at their 1ps mockingly before stepping into the portal, it vanishing once they had all entered through it.

The affects of whatever powder Oliver had thrown at the 1ps immediately vanished as soon as the portal did.  

They all looked towards Arthur worriedly, who had a distant look on his face with glossed over eyes, mumbling to himself.


Tears started to roll down Arthur's cheeks, "It happened again. I lost a sibling again, and I was too weak to stop it."


This was supposed to be published sooner, but I wasn't sure how I wanted to start the chapter :/

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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