Chapter 7

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*2nd POV*

The Nordics had arrived at the police station, and once they entered, Norway went up to the front desk.

"Hello there sir, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"I'm Lukas Bondevik, I was just called to come here." Norway replied.

"Ah, I see. Alright, I will be right back." The receptionist said before leaving to the back room.

Not to long after she came back, but the person who was with the receptionist was not their Danish friend, but was instead the country that was recently discovered. This confused them to no end, why weren't you with England?

"Is this man your older brothers' friend?" The receptionist asked (C/n), gesturing to Norway.

You nodded before giving the receptionist a quiet thanks, then walked and stood next to Norway.

Norway grabbed your hand, then began to lead you out of the station you waving to the receptionist as you left.

Once you were outside, Norway noticed that the sidewalk was a bit crowded, so he picked you up so that you wouldn't get separated. Your stomach grumbled a bit, so the four Nordic countries all silently decided to go to a café to get you food.

Luckily there was one not to far away from the station, and they were able to quickly get a table. You sat between Norway and Finland, with Finland handing you a kids menu. After a couple of minutes, a waitress came by and asked for your guys' orders.

The other four nations ordered their food before the waitress looked towards you,

"I would like (F/t)[favorite tea] and some biscuits please."

The waitress smiled before taking the menus and walking away.

The four Nordics directed their attention towards you,

"So (Y/n), mind telling us why you were at the police station?" Finland asked, a bit concerned.

"Well my big brother had to go to a meeting so he asked his friend Alfred to watch me," you started, "but then for some reason he invited his friends Matthias and Gilbert over."

Now knowing that the Awesome Trio were the ones watching you, it made sense as why you were lost.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Then we went out to the park to get food even though I'm pretty sure that Arthur prepared me food already. They told me to wait at a bench for them, so I did, but after twenty minutes I figured they lost me because the park had gotten crowded."

"So I decided to go to a police station and have them called Lukas because I knew that my brother was friends with him." You finished explaining.

After your explanation, they knew that when England found out, he was going to be absolutely livid.

And none of them felt bad for the three countries.


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Number 4 out of 1000+ stories?! (4/20/21)

There's only like 7 chapters and this book gets number 4????

I know it's not number 1 but this is probably the highest ranking I've gotten on a book.

Thank you all so much for reading this story!

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