45. Out of the Woods

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Early May 1978 | 3 Weeks till NEWTS

"Psst, Jones," Sirius' breath tickled Kelsey's ear but she steadfastly ignored it.

'Amortentia ingredients' read the parchment in front of her. It was 3 weeks till NEWTS and she was in the focus zone trying to get some studying done in the library.

"Kelpie!" she closed her eyes and recited the ingredients to herself, calming down.

"Kelsey," the voice was now husky and she couldn't hold it any longer.

"What?!" She slammed the book shut and turned to her right to stare directly into grey eyes.

"Hey," he breathed. All thoughts of scolding him went out the window.

Wait, why was she mad at him again?

"Hey," she whispered back. His eyes captivated her.

It was a free period between classes. In the middle of the day, when Kelsey looked like a downright troll after spending nights staying up late to review with Lily, he looked effortlessly flawless. It made her angry.

On the same table in front of her, Lily cleared her throat and sent a glare his way. Kelsey rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" she turned back to her notes. "I'm busy."

"Funny seeing you here," said Sirius.

She looked at him funny. Was he for real?

He raised his eyebrows hoping she would keep up the conversation. It wasn't new. He had been trying to talk to her for days. One whole month in fact ever since that day.

She slumped in tiredness and rubbed her head.

"Look I meant it." Kelsey wasn't in the mood for this yet. "I need space. Like I told you."

"But we can still study together, yeah?" He pouted. Inadvertently her gaze fell to his lips which were puckered.

Sweet Helga give me strength. The Devil tempts me.

"Space," she reiterated.


"Remus," she said grumpily. The werewolf who was sitting next to Lily wasn't surprised.

"On it." He got up and walked over to Sirius. With some effort, he managed to drag his protesting friend away as she waved them off with a fake sweet smile.

"We know you're going to forgive him at some point," Lily began with a sigh when the boys were out of earshot.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Kelsey pretended to have not heard that as she saw Sirius look back at her one last time before Remus successfully hauled him out of the library.

It was safe to say that she had mostly forgiven all of them. Everyone except Sirius Black and James Potter of course. But as usual, Lily had all but dragged Potter by the ear and forced him to apologise - no beg Kelsey for forgiveness which she did gleefully..eventually.

Several Hogwarts students witnessed the two most popular boys of Hogwarts pleading forgiveness that day. Sirius too had been a part of that scene, willingly, however. He was desperate to have her talk to him - better yet, look at him. In the one week since Sirius would consider himself lucky if he was able to get within five feet of her.

She couldn't. Of all the wounds his had cut the deepest. And she was still getting over it.

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