5. "You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes"

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Still Early December 1975

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Still Early December 1975

"James, it's not a big deal," Remus tried to soothe his friend the next day at breakfast.

The girls had almost discovered the Marauders yesterday as they stood hidden under the invisibility cloak- all thanks to clumsy Peter. It had been James' idea to snoop on them. With honest intentions, he had insisted. The poor guy just wanted to find out if Lily might reveal what she likes about a first date in the middle of all that girl talk.

You know, for theirs one day hopefully. But from the information they had learned, James felt like that was becoming more of a dream than reality as time passed. They were already fifth years and she still hated him. Although there were times Remus thought he saw her looking at his friend curiously but they were just small blips of moments.

It had taken James a lot of willpower to not jump from under the cloak and join Jones in shaking down his Lilypad for information on who the bloke that had the audacity to steal her first kiss was.

"What does that guy have that I don't?" James asked, slumping down on the table.

"Apart from maturity?"


Remus almost felt bad for him. He sounded so sincere.

"Nothing! You're perfect Prongs. Want me to find the chap and hex him for you?" Sirius offered cheerfully. The knowledge that Kelpie Jones still hadn't had her first kiss had been the news of the day for him.

But only because he now had more information to tease her with. Not because he wanted it to be him. Certainly not. Sirius's own first kiss had been a fifth-year Gryffindor Prefect he had managed to charm to avoid getting detention for him and the boys. Dorcas had been the second. He lost track after that. However, he hadn't missed the way her eyes had stared at him in intrigue last time she caught him in the broom closet. It had been an unnecessary ego boost for him; the way she had frowned.

"And to think I had been saving my first kiss for her," James whined.

"Why don't you just kiss someone else?" Peter suggested nonchalantly through a mouthful of toast. "It's just a kiss right?" That earned him a smack right up his head from Sirius.

"That's what you get for eavesdropping on private conversations," Remus reminded his distraught friend.

"You were there too!" Sirius told him.

"I was an unwilling participant in that charade," Remus put his hands up to convey how much he wanted to distance himself from such stalker-ish behaviour.

"Shirts tucked in boys!" Benjamin Macdonald interrupted their pity party a few moments later when he passed them. He flicked his wand and without a warning, Peter's pants were a little higher, and his shirt magically tucked in. Sirius found his hair a little neater as his curls sorted themselves behind his ears in a smooth fashion.

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