17. Treacherous

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Week 2, October 1977

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Week 2, October 1977

"You know.." she whispered, softly, her hands toying with his Gryffindor tie. Sirius gulped at their closeness. Since when did he get breathless by her mere presence? "..I could pop your cherry.." She pulled him by the tie. Her mouth was next to his ear and he fought the urge to lean in. 

This was Kelpie Jones for the love of Godric! He wondered if she could feel his thumping heartbeat. "..it's only fair since you stole my first kiss.."

"Okay," Sirius didn't recognize his own voice. It was raspy and riddled with craving. A small part of him realised that he had perhaps been waiting for this moment since winter almost two years ago: a craving to taste her lips again. Their eyes met and he saw her smirk. 

Determined, she pulled him even closer and slipped out a tongue to wet her lips. Sirius mimicked the action subconsciously. She closed her eyes and brought her lips within inches of his. He brought a hand up, brushing a strand of hair from her face, and cupped it. He tilted his head forward..

"Padfoot!" a voice hissed. Suddenly, Sirius Black felt something hard hit the back of his head and he jerked up. His eyes shot open. He was sitting on the grass next to Moony who held the Monster Book of Monsters Volume 4 in his hand. Probably what he had hit him with based on his pain.

Remus silently signaled him to pay attention to Professor Kettleburn who was sending them displeased looks from a distance. Catching the young student's eye, the Professor let out a huff and continued lecturing.

"What was that about?" Moony whispered when the Professor was no longer paying attention to them.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why were you making kissy faces in the air?" Sirius was happy that he wasn't someone who blushed easily. "It was disturbing, really."

"I was not!" Sirius shot back, returning his attention to the class.

"With our review of Ghouls out of the way. We shall now do a quick session on Kelpies.." The professor animatedly pointed to the Black Lake behind him.

Sirius groaned. Great just what he needed. More reminders of her.

As if remembering that Jones too was in the class as well, he looked around to see her sitting a few feet ahead of him next to Marlene and Astrid with her back to him. She leaned over to whisper something to Marlene who giggled, bringing a hand up to her face to muffle the sound. The two of them looked to the right to see Frank and Alice inconspicuously holding hands where they sat.

While the professor went on about Kelpies, Sirius found his gaze falling on the namesake's back.

My spidey senses are tingling, Kelsey thought. Feeling the hair on the back of her neck rise, she slowly swiveled to see Sirius Black staring at her vacantly. When she caught his eye, he wagged his eyebrows and then at the Lake ahead of them mouthing 'Missing home?'

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