6. mad woman

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July 1976

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July 1976

"It's so hot I could die."

"Woe is me!"

Mary and Kelsey exclaimed loudly at the same time and dropped their heads dramatically on the table at Florean Fortescue's.

It was the middle of their summer break and the heat was getting to the girls. As part of their annual tradition, they were in Diagon Alley catching up. Astrid and Marlene though were away until another few weeks with their family.

Lily shook her head muttering 'Drama Queens' to herself. "I'd suggest you eat those ice creams before they melt then," she said.

"Can you believe it? We're sixth-years already," said Mary as she scooped a spoonful of Toffee Apple.

"Thank Merlin OWLs are over. The whole year was a nightmare," Kelsey shuddered.

"Yeah," Lily said softly. Mary and Kelsey shared a look. Lily had been unusually disappointed all day while they scoured through stores.

"Look. My offer is still up. I'd be happy to hex Snape for you. You might have to wait till we're back in school though. Underage magic and all y'know," said Kelsey.

"I thought Hufflepuffs are supposed to be nice," Mary wondered. "I've seen you threaten more people since day one than most Slytherins in our year."

"No. Hufflepuffs are fiercely loyal. And that greasy git will only get what he deserves. As do those other idiots who-shall-not-be-named," Kelsey grabbed her wand, waving it around dangerously.

"Please don't. I don't want you turning into another Potter: walking around defending my honour," said Lily bitterly. Kelsey sighed and put her wand down.

"Uh oh. Speaking of the devils," Mary groaned. The girls towards the street side of Diagon Alley to see the four boys walking over to them.

"Good afternoon ladies," said Sirius. Remus sent them a small smile, looking extremely worn out. James ruffled his hair and Peter stood there looking at them blankly.

"Not today guys," said Mary, silently hinting at them to walk away. Which they of course ignored.

"Evans, can I have a word?" Potter sounded earnest.

"Are you stalking me now? It's bad enough that I have to deal with you every day at school." Lily sounded exasperated and tired. Without a word she got up, threw the rest of her ice cream in the trash and stormed off leaving Mary and Kelsey behind.

"Women," they heard Sirius mutter causing Kelsey to send him a dirty look. 

Seeing James stand there dejected, she actually felt really bad for him. This time, he really hadn't done anything. It looked like he still felt awful for the whole Snape M-word fiasco.

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