21. Superman

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GIF: https://medievalhogwartsroleplay.fandom.com/wiki/Room_of_Requirement (lemme know if you know the original creator)


Week 1, November 1977

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Week 1, November 1977



Sirius and Snape were the first ones to attack. Mulciber's wand went flying out of his hand just as Snape managed to conjure the snake. With a shriek Jones jumped away from Mulciber, backing off at the sight of the reptile that was now creeping towards her. 

Without thinking twice, Sirius put himself between Jones and the snake. Pushing her back, he accidentally knocked her off her feet and she tumbled, dragging him down with her.

"Sirius, no!" He shielded himself with his left hand as the snake pounced in time, catching it on his forearm. He cursed under his breath as it stung. 

The pain from the bite crept up his arm just as the snake disappeared into nothing.

"Next time you won't be so lucky Mudblood," spat one of the two. Sirius couldn't tell who - he was feeling hazy. Jones was by his side now, supporting him against the wall as the Slytherins sunk back into the darkness of the corridors.

"Are you an idiot or are you an idiot?!" she scowled at him.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Sirius coughed.

"I believe that was a question of the rhetoric nature, Mister Black," Dumbledore's voice, calm as ever, interrupted them.

Both students turned to look at him instantly relieved.

"Professor! We need to get him to the hospital wing - It was those awful Slytherins-" Kelsey began when Dumbledore raised a hand to stop her.

"Mister Rogers, I trust you'll be able to find your way back to the dorms safely?" he asked the first-year boy they had all forgotten about. The scared boy nodded and ran off into the dimly lit corridor.

"Minerva, if you would kindly ensure his safe passage," Dumbledore looked down at his feet to the black cat who sent him a stern look before trotting off behind the boy nevertheless.

"Now, I believe we have some wounds to tend to. Miss Jones, if you please help Mister Black up to my office?"

"But shouldn't we take him to the hospital wing?"

"I'll send for Poppy. Now come. My office is closest. I believe I have a vial of generic anti-venom somewhere."

Minutes later they were both seated in his office with Madame Pomfrey fussing over Sirius' injured arm.

Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince  | Sirius Black ✓Where stories live. Discover now