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Last Saturday of October 1977

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Last Saturday of October 1977

"That cocky son of -"

"Language, Evans!" Kelsey stopped Lily from finishing that sentence.

"Right, sorry," Lily ran a hand through her hair as the girls all made their way to the Gryffindor Common Room. All five girls had readied themselves in the Hufflepuff dorms earlier that evening.

"Shouldn't you be happy that Gryffindor won?" Astrid asked as the redhead gave her an exasperated look.

"Of course I am!" Her riled-up tone did not reflect her words. "It's just- does he have to get his way all the time?"

"Well, he was made Captain for a reason. Clearly, he deserves it," Mary pointed out.

"I mean.." Marlene fanned herself. "..those moves. That match today was magic of a different kind." She pretended to swoon.

"Careful McKinnon. You might give us her impression that you're into Potter," Kelsey teased.

Lily sent Marlene a quick unsure look that went missed by the rest of the girls.

"You're one to talk! Don't think we didn't see you cosying up with Sirius Snog-me-now Black, on the field," Marlene replied to redirect the attention.

Naturally, Kelsey snorted at the adjective choice. "You must be imagining things now," she waved it off. As they walked on, approaching the party, Kelsey wished that her stomach would settle down. After all, what did she have to be nervous about?

True to his word, Potter had ensured that Gryffindor won their first match of the season against Ravenclaw. As with tradition, the students had all rushed down to the pitch once it was over to congratulate the players.

Kelsey and Astrid being two lost Hufflepuffs in the sea of cheering Gryffindors. Why their Gryffindor friends felt the need to pull them along, was something they didn't know. Kelsey had watched from a distance as Potter shot Evans a shit-eating, smug look while mouthing 'I told you'. Evans had smiled along in that moment, mouthing back her congratulations as Mary and Marlene jumped around her.

"You came," Kelsey heard someone whisper in her ear. She had turned to see Sirius Black standing too close to her.

"That was a fun game." She meant every word of it. It hadn't been the first time seeing him in action on the field. It was certainly the first time she had seen him since Hogsmeade a few days ago. She had been surprised at the weird flip her tummy had done as she saw him walk onto the pitch earlier that day.

"Did you see that mid-air spin I did with the last Bludger?" he sounded excited. His hit had come just in time to sway the Ravenclaw Seeker away from the Snitch. Kids around them thumped his back but he was only focused on her.

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