Chapter Two: LA

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"Okay, so this one is a two-bedroom, three-bath, house." Mr. Depp says as he unlocks the door. We had to walk past the entrance to his first penthouse to get to this one. Next to the door is a PH2 on a small rectangular box. The door is a dark blue with a small peak-hole in the center. I rather short so I'd have to stand on my tiptoes to see out of it. My mouth falls open as he pushes the door. To our left is a large staircase, in front of us a beautiful living room. It's an open floor plan with the living room, dining room, and kitchen all in the same area. However, the décor separates it all.

"I wasn't originally planning on renting it out. So if there is any décor you don't like tell me and I move it to one of the other penthouses." Mr. Depp says as we walk in. A man is waiting for us at the dining room table.

"Johnny, welcome home." The man says as he stands.

"Alan, it's a pleasure." Mr. Depp says as he makes his way to the man. They shake hands before Mr. Depp pulls a chair out for me.

"You got in all in order?" Mr. Depp asks the man. The man nods and pushes a briefcase towards us.

"Do you want me to stay?"

"No, I can handle this. Thank you." Mr. Depp shakes his hand again before the man leaves. Mr. Depp sits next to me and opens the case.

"Okay, so this is just all the paperwork. This first one just states that you understand this is my penthouse. You are renting it, not buying it. However, you may decorate as you wish. Again if you don't like anything let me know. I'll take it out. Seem fair?" I nod and take the pen from him. He lays the stack of papers in front of me and shows me where to sign. I do so without question. I probably should read it all but it's at least ten pages.

"Next, you are allowed one pet. Nothing bigger than sixty pounds. You are expected to clean up after it and fix any damages it causes. Furthermore, you are responsible for the condition of the house. If something breaks you have to fix it, not me. Fair?" I nod again and sign that stack of papers.

"Any breeds not allowed?" I ask as I sign.

"Have whatever you want. I don't really care." He chuckles and pulls out another stack.

"Rent will be $400 a month. I'll keep track of the tab until you get a job. We can figure that out later. Sign here." He mutters the last part, quickly flipping to the last page of the stack. I find that a little odd but sign. He puts all the paperwork back into the suitcase before giving me a tour.

"Why does it have three bathrooms?" I ask as we enter the master bedroom, the last room on the tour.

"Couldn't tell you. There is a master bathroom. The bathroom next to the guest room, and then a guest bathroom I guess." I nervously take a seat on the massive bed and look around.

"This can't all be for just $400. I feel like I'm ripping you off..." I sigh as my eyes land on him again.

"I wasn't making anything off the place, now I am. You aren't ripping me off. Besides, I like you." He chuckles and makes his way to one of the windows. All the windows have bars; not like prison bars, but more like safety bars.

"What do you mean you like me?" I ask as I watch him.

"I mean what I said. I like you, and I want you close. This way I can keep an eye on you and make sure no one else hurts you." As he speaks his phone starts ringing.

"I have to take this." He mutters and leaves the room. I sit there and fiddle with my hands while I wait for him. It seems like forever until he comes back.

"Sorry, work call." He groans, taking a seat next to the windows.

"Any questions before I leave?"

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