Chapter Four: Twenty-One questions

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"I'll start, uhm what is something most people think about you that isn't actually true?" Johnny asks, earning a surprised look.

"Wow, digging right in there. Uhm...most people think I'm just a innocent little girl, but I'm not. I'm actually very dirty minded, just scared to open up. And I'm not a little girl." I growl the last part a little before taking a sip of wine. He nods a little, waiting.

"Now you answer the question." I giggle when he continues to wait.

"Is that how this works? I must have forgotten." He chuckles before making a tsking sound.

"Uhm. I guess most people think I'm pretty open and, a little crazy. Where as I'm actually rather shy and laid back.

"My turn. Is there something you did in the past that you wish you could go back and change?"

"Yes and no. Part of me wonders if I went back and changed things if I'd be where I am now. What if I go back and change something, and never meet you?" He asks with a soft smile. My cheeks flare a dark red as I look away.

"Now you answer." He chuckles as he sips his wine.

"Yeah...yeah there is." I take a larger drink of wine before sighing.

"I'd go back to the day I meet Alex, and walk the other way." He chuckles at my answer, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"Time for a fun one. If you could be an animal for one day, what would it be?" He purrs as he watches me.

"Oh, uhm. Damn that's a hard one. Ahh.....I know. I'd be a dog. I'd go around and see just how many tummy rubs I could get." I giggle, earning quite a bit of laughter from Johnny.

"I like that idea. I'd be a big dog, like a lab or something." He says through the laughter.

"Okay, time to be serious again. Don't get mad at me. How would you describe your ideal partner?"

"Oh that's mean." He laughs before taking a large drink of wine.

"My ideal partner? I'm not drunk enough for a question like that." He groans as he looks around him.

"If you don't answer, I get to punish you." I giggle, earning a shocked look.

"Since when was that a rule?" He gasps, looking like he might start sweating bullets.

"Since right now." I laugh as I watch him.

"That's not fair, not fair at all. Uhm....I don't know if I really have an ideal type...I like a little of everything honestly." I give him a 'really' look and he sighs.

"Uhh. I like woman like you. Brunettes mostly, skinny but not sickly so." He shrugs in defeat as he finally looks back at me.

"I think you are just trying not to hurt my feeling." I pout as I take a drink.

"Normally I'd like a woman with a little more breast, but honestly you really fit into my type."

"Bigger breast, got it." He watches me with a very panicked and nervous look. I giggle before answering myself.

"I really like men with darker hair, not big on blonds. I'd normally like a man in a little bit better shape, but you are cute so you'll work." He gives me a startled look, but a smile quickly takes over.

"I'm not done." I laugh when he goes to open his mouth.

"I don't do clean shaved, I can't handle it. I don't know what it is but for the most part it kinda freaks me out." He nods a little before shrugging.

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