Chapter Twenty-One: Forever and always

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"Do you know what today is?" Johnny whispers as he pulls me into a hug from behind.

"Friday?" I ask with a knowing smile. His smile grows at this.

"Well, yes. But..." I shiver as he kisses my ear.

"But?" I step away from him, making my way to the kitchen table. I pull out one of the chairs and lift the box from it. It's a large box, but not heavy. I set it on the table at pat the chair. He looks confused but sits.

"Happy anniversary." I purr in his ear before kissing his cheek. He smiles ear to ear as he opens the box. In the box is another box, then another, then another. He turns to give me a 'really' look as I get back to cooking. However, he continues until he gets down to a small black box. He opens it, gasping when he sees what's inside.

"Honest?" He gasps, coming to stand beside me. I just nod, focused on cooking. Tears fill his eyes as he looks back down at the test.

"We're going to have another baby?" I nod again, giggling when he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm going to burn breakfast." I laugh but it's cut short by a kiss.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asks as tears slide down his cheeks. I gently push him away with a laugh and get back to work on breakfast. As I do Jasper comes running into the room, followed by Jack and Lily-Rose. They are all laughing and screaming, making laps around the table.

"No running." Johnny laughs but starts chasing them. They all scream and run away, but Lily-Rose is too slow. Johnny catches her, lifting her to blow raspberries on her belly. She screams and manages to get away, 'tickling' Johnny. He isn't ticklish, but the kids think he is. He runs after them again before managing to round them all up for breakfast. I serve each kid before placing a plate in front of him. There is a letter on top of his food. Confused he picks it up and opens it. Inside is careful handwriting is one word 'Autumn'. He looks up at me confused.

"Flip it over." I giggle as I get my plate. He waits until I sit down and flips it. On the back is an ultrasound photo, an arrow pointed to the gender of the baby. Above the arrow says 'girl'. He looks shocked and looks up at me.

"A baby girl?" He gasps, earning a smile.

"I believe we decided on Autumn, but we can change that." I purr before digging in. Much to my surprise, Johnny lets out a slight sob, covering his mouth.

"What's wrong daddy?" Lily-Rose asks with a concerned look.

"You have to help daddy figure out a middle name for your sister." Her eyes light up as she runs to his side. He shows her the picture, showing each kid one at a time. Soon the dining room is full of cheers, and names being yelled at the top of their lungs.

"I was thinking Faith, but it's just an idea," I mutter as the kids scream. However, it catches Johnny's attention.

"Autumn Faith Depp, I like that." He purrs, smiling when the other's agree.

"Why don't you call your mother and tell her the good news," Johnny suggests to the older two. They agree, but Lily-Rose takes Jasper with her. She seems to have caught his hint. Much to my surprise, he kneels beside me, pulling out a ring.

"I know we have had some bumps and some scary moments. But you make me happier than 

I've ever been. This is my way of asking you for forever." He purrs, his eyes are glossy with tears.

"You already have me for forever." I purr, leaning down to kiss him. He chuckles, sliding the ring on my finger. He puts it on the right one since the left one already has two.

"I love you, so damn much. I can never tell you that enough." He sighs against my lips.

"Your right, you can't. Just make sure you tell me every day." I giggle, gasping when he pulls me down onto his lap. However, he doesn't account for the added weight. We both end up falling back onto the floor, laughing as I try to look him over. He is making it hard though, kissing me repeatedly. I finally manage to get away, sitting on his lap as he lays across the floor.

"You are my galaxy. When we met, I thought I met a star. I was wrong. I met my whole world, every star in the sky, every planet circling us. I found my everything." I purr, leaning down to kiss him firmly.

"Thank you, for opening my eyes to the lights in the sky," I add, earning a smile.

"I might have to make a song out of that." I just giggle and struggle to climb off of him.

"How have I missed you getting so big?" He purrs as he watches me.

"You got home last night, with two exhausted kids. I'm not surprised you didn't notice when you fell into bed." I laugh, offering him a hand. He takes it but doesn't need my help. We both laugh as he starts on the dishes. I try to help but his warning look stops me.

"Are you going to start with all of that again?" I laugh, splashing him with warm water.

"Have you still not figured out why I don't like you helping with dishes?" He asks, but he is smiling.

"They don't get done." He purrs, his looking giving away more than his words. With a laugh, I run, screaming as he comes running after me. He easily catches up, scooping me off my feet.

"You are going to throw out your back." I laugh but let him carry me upstairs. Once again he has left the sink full of dirty dishes. He lays me on the bed, places a hat on the door, locks the door before turning to me. I can't stop my laughter as he attacks, kissing him hotly as he hovers over me.

"I love you." I moan, sliding my hands up into his hair.

"I love you too, so damn much." He chuckles before kissing me again. I don't think I'll ever get sick of hearing him laugh, seeing him smile, watching his eyes light as he looks me over. I never want to lose him.

"Promise me something," I whisper, making him look at me again.

"Forever and always?" His smile grows as he chuckles.

"Forever and always my queen, forever and always." My heart races as he kisses me again. He is my forever, my always, my king, mine...

The end

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