Chapter Three: Nighttime Drive

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~~~~Contains adult material~~~~

I pull over with a sigh of defeat. I've gotten myself lost. I didn't think it would be that hard to find my way back, but I was wrong. I look at the time to see it's nearly midnight. With another sigh I get out, approaching a man on the sidewalk.

"Hello sir, can you help me? I'm lost and trying to find my way back to the Eastern Columbia lofts." The man looks me over before getting a sickening smile.

"Yeah, babe. I can help you." He purrs as he approaches. I nervously back up, gasping when I bump into someone.

"Well hello, gorgeous." The man purrs from behind me.

"I think I can find the way myself," I mutter, trying to get away. However, I'm now trapped between the two men.

"I think we should help the little lady." The first man purrs, catching me by the jaw. He forcibly kisses me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I struggle and try to get away before biting his tongue. He lets out a scream, yanking his tongue out of my mouth. I spit out the piece I bit off, crying out when he punches me. I fall back but the second man forces me to stand up straight.

The first man removes his belt, using it to tie my hands together. I struggle and fight, but the two men easily overpower me. I try to scream but the second man shoves some kind of fabric into my mouth. They tear at my clothes before taking turns fucking me. The whole time I try to fight them, kicking and thrusting myself about. When they have had their fun they leave me laying on the cement. I struggle to stand, pain shooting through my lower half. I'm pretty sure they tore my backside. I slip back into my car before pulling out my phone. I quickly call Johnny. I know it's late but I don't know who else to call.

"Johnny..." I whisper when he answers.

"Ivy, what's wrong?" He asks, his voice full of concern.

"I got lost...I saw someone on the street. I got out to ask them for help...Johnny, they raped me." I whimper, my voice breaking at the end.

"Send me your location."

"I don't know how," I whisper nervously. Johnny quickly explains it to me, and with his help I send it.

"Stay in the car, lock the doors. I'll be there soon." With that, he hangs up. I'm unaware that he is calling the police as he drives. He parks behind me before joining me in my car. When he approaches I unlock the car. Soon a police officer joins us. After giving our reports Johnny joins me next to my car.

"Why didn't you call me?" He whispers, cupping my cheeks.

"I didn't want to wake you," I whisper back as I lean into his hands. I feel safe in his hands.

"I wasn't even asleep. Next time call me. Now I'm going to get in my car and lead you back to the penthouse." Johnny says in a strict tone. I carefully get into the car, pain shooting through my backside. I hope I didn't get blood on his car. He pulls out from behind me, slowly making his way in front of me. I quickly follow him back to the penthouse. Once there he walks me back inside, following me in.

"I'm going to stay here tonight. I'll sleep on the couch." He says simply, sitting on the couch.

"There is a guest bedroom."

"I know that. But by sleeping down here someone would have to get past me to get to you." He groans as he lays back across the couch.

"That can't be good for you back," I mutter as I approach him.

"It won't be the first time." He mutters without opening his eyes. I take his hand and drag him off the couch.

"I'm not sleeping in the guest room. If someone came in I wouldn't hear them." He growls as I drag him up the stairs. I ignore him and continue to the master bedroom. Now he looks confused. I kick off my shoes and slip into the bed, desperately trying to ignore the pain in my backside.

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