Chapter Seven: Baby boy

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I struggle to open my eyes. There is a soft beeping somewhere above me, to the right a little. Luckily the room isn't too bright. Through the massive un-opening windows I can see it's early morning. I can hear some birds chirping outside. Johnny is out cold on the cushions chair, one leg up over the arm. He looks extremely exposed and handsome. How does he do that all the time? He has changed since I passed out. Still in a white button-down, but his sleeves are rolled up. Over the white shirt is a black vest. Tight dusty brown pants are held up by a pair of suspenders, peaking out from under the best.

"Why do you always have to look so good?" I mutter as I turn away. My whole body hurts, but mostly between my legs. I grab the remote connected to the bed and push the call light. After a moment a nurse comes in.

"Oh, you are awake. How are you feeling?" She asks as she rushes over to me. She is a large, Hispanic looking woman. She has a strong accent, which makes it a little hard to understand her.

"I hurt, a lot." I groan as she raises the bed so I'm not laying flat.

"After what you went through, I'm not surprised. Fourteen stitches, down there." She gestures between my legs before turning her attention to the machine next to me. She grabs a board off the counter and starts writing.

"Johnny?" I question, turning back to him. He groans, adjusting in his seat. However, he doesn't wake up.

"Do you want me to wake him?"

"No, let him sleep. He must be exhausted after all of that." I sigh with a smile. He looks so peaceful and calm.

"I'm sure he is exhausted. He only just left the baby's side." The nurse laughs, setting the clipboard down.

"Would you like to see him?"

"Yes, I would really like that." She nods and heads for the door.

"I'll be right back with a wheelchair." The sound of the door closing seems to stir Johnny. He groans loudly and sits up, running both hands over his face.

"Good morning." I purr, looking over at him with exhausted eyes. I just woke up but I feel like I've been awake for days. His eyes snap up to me before he flies for the seat.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asks as he takes my hand, looking me over.

"Tired, sore, and thirsty."

"I'll see if I can get you something to drink." He places a kiss on my hand before leaving. He comes back with the nurse, laughing softly.

"Ready dear?" The nurse asks as she lowers the bed closer to the ground.

"Yes, honestly nervous as hell. Why is that?" I ask as she carefully helps me off the bed. Pain shoots through my lower half but I do my best to ignore it. She hooks the I.V. bag to the wheelchair before covering my lap in a blanket. Johnny hands me a large cup of water.

"Those pain meds should be kicking in soon. If you feel any numbness let me know. You are smaller than most I've worked with." The nurse laughs as we make our way out of the room.

"What is your name?" I ask, struggling to turn to look at her.

"Veronica, but most call me Vicky." She smiles, flipping her name tag over so I can read it.

"I like that name, Veronica. Very beautiful, fitting." I smile, earning a chuckle from Johnny.

"Told you." He purrs at the nurse, who is now blushing a little.

"You two are too sweet." She rolls me into an elevator, sending us to the fifth floor. This place is much bigger than any hospital I've been in before.

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