New Beginnings

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Day of

Izuku and Mei returned to earth with about 4 hours to scrub themselves and get to UA.

Izuku had been given a up close and personal view of Mei's body as they had been locked in by Mya. There was a lock on the bathroom door from the outside. "What am I her keeper?" Izuku shouted to Mya.

"You are now! Better hurry. Hot water is limited!" Mya said chuckling.

Izuku turned to see Mei had pulled off the undersheath already. "Come on!" Mei shouted.

Izuku gulped. 'Jesus she's more stacked then Pepper!'

4 hours was not enough time to enjoy this properly.

Izuku gulped as he retracted his undersheath and got into the shower.

"Can you get my back?" Mei asked.

Izuku closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 'Calm down Midoriya. Remember your training.'


All Might had tried one last time to call Midoriya but got Jarvis again.

Toshinori had to catch up on all the paperwork he missed from being in a flesh cocoon after his day back as a hero.

6 days age

Mt Lady was fighting a giant monkey just as tall as her and the area had been evaluated.

Mt Lady was slammed into a skyscraper knocking it over.

When the building got near another skyscraper it stopped.

Mt Lady and Devil Monkey had watched as All Might had dug his heals in, vaulted over the building moving it back into proper place and dropkicking the monkey in the face.

Mt Lady and Devil Monkey had watched as All Might had dug his heals in, vaulted over the building moving it back into proper place and dropkicking the monkey in the face

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[Basically this]

"All Might!" Mt Lady said.

As he fell All Might grabbed the apes face and kicked the air sending himself and the apes upper half down.

"Minnesota Slam!" All Might shouted as the giant apes was slammed onto its back.

The monkey was unconscious and the villain that created it, who had already been captured, had handed over a vial of antidote to turn it back into a normal monkey.

"Thanks All Might!" Mt Lady said, holding the skyscraper as the repair team was fixing it.

All Might saluted as he jumped away backwards.

The rest of the day had been spent rushing around intercepting a lot of villain fights. Including the sludge villain who got out again.

"Plus Ultrrraaa!" All Might accidentally activated a tenique he hadn't done since the lose of his other lung. The Huston Howl.

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