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3rd Person POV

Things were not meant to end like this.

Not at all.


That was all that surrounded Naruto Uzumaki at the moment. 

He had failed. 

Kaguya had won.

Kakashi succumbed to his wounds.

Sakura had died from chakra exhaustion while trying to save Kakashi.

And Sasuke had been hit by Kaguya's Ash-Bone Jutsu.

Naruto was all alone, however, he was on the verge of falling as well.

Black Zetsu had a tight grip on his leg, and didn't seem anywhere near close to letting him go. 

The Shinju had begun to release the beings it had created from everyone. 

It was too late.

Or so Naruto thought.

"You know, Naruto... this is the first time I've ever seen you consider giving up" came Kurama's voice.

"Well... before now, I have not had to fight and defeat a Goddess..." Naruto responded as he still tried to struggle against Zetsu's grasp on his legs. 

"Hmph. You forget you have all of us in here, idiot." Kurama grumbled as the voices of the other Bijuu resounded through Naruto's mind.

"True. But without Sasuke's Rinnegan, there is not much I can do other than possibly killing her, and even then we don't know if she's capable of dying." Naruto said, beginning to feel what Zetsu was doing. It was draining his chakra!

"Wait." Naruto thought.

"Is Zetsu made of natural chakra?" Naruto asked the Bijuu, inciting a sudden silence.

"He is not." Gyuki answered barely hiding the excitement at the implication.

"That gives me and opening. But what can I do with that opening?" Naruto desperately thought. 

Silence ensued, only feeling the vibration of the Bijuu's chakra. 

"Naruto. There is a technique that was entrusted to me by Hagoromo-jiji." Kurama began, receiving a gasp from the other Bijuu.

"Will it be enough to seal or kill her?" Naruto asked. 

"No." At this, Naruto cut in.

"Then why even mention it?!" Naruto asked in irritation.

"If you would just let me explain, I would tell you!" Kurama responded in the same way, causing Naruto to grow silent.

"Naruto, this jutsu is no light matter. Should anything go wrong, not only would you die a painful death, you could very well destroy this universe." Kurama said in a serious tone, causing Naruto to mentally tense.

"What jutsu is it, Kurama?" Naruto asked.

"It has no name, for it has never been used. This could possibly be the only time it could be used without serious repercussions, but anything could go wrong when dealing with time-traveling." and Kurama dropped the bomb.

"You could die a painful death, or we could get the chance to change what happen in the course of time. But know that meddling with time is a serious offense in the eyes of Gods, and we could very well be punished for even considering this path." Kurama ended.

Silence ensued as Naruto pondered on the implications. If he were honest, there was not much to lose. Regardless of what happened in this timeline, he would either die, or seize to exists. With this, Naruto made his decision.

"Let's do it." Naruto said as he prepared himself for whatever he had to do.

"Are you sure? There will be no going back once I begin the preparations." Kurama warned.

"There's nothing to lose. Let's try it." Naruto said, smiling to himself.

"Very well. Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuki! Share your chakra with me!" Kurama said as he began meditating to produce more yokai. 

"HAI!" was the response.

"As soon as I say to, begin amassing Sage Chakra Naruto. It might improve our chances of this working, while taking care of Zetsu." Kurama said, wincing every so often at the amount of chakra he was receiving. 

"Hai!" Naruto confirmed mentally.

Ten seconds is all it took for Kurama to scream:


In an instant, Naruto had absorbed Nature chakra, forcefully sending it to Zetsu who began to feel a sudden stiffness to his body. It was turning to stone!

"W-WHAT IS THIS?! I CANNOT SEIZE TO EXIST!" Zetsu tried to let go of Naruto, only to discover it was too late.

With a chilling scream, Zetsu became stone.

With its scream, came Kaguya's attention, who immediately shot towards Naruto, holding the same technique that had killed Sasuke.

Only this time, Naruto was prepared and furious. 

No. Furious is not the word. 


"You took everything away from me! My village, my friends, my family!" Naruto released all of his pent up anger, unconsciously producing a serious amount of cold air, not noticing the moisture around him beginning to freeze. 

"I won't let you get away next time!" Naruto announced with a final bout of power, as hundreds of ice arrows flew at Kaguya, causing Naruto's eyes to widen, remembering someone very dear to him.

'Even after all this time, it seems I carry more than your ideals, Haku.' Naruto thought as Kurama finished the jutsu.

"IT'S TIME NARUTO!" was the last thing he heard.



I'm starting another story? Yes. 

Is it a good idea? Probably not... While I'm still planning on rewriting "A Promise Never Broken", a sudden story idea popped into my brain, and I simply had to write it.

Now, this story will be short...

Almost ridiculously short. This story basically is to unwind my mind for a while as I keep thinking of ideas for my other stories. 

Hopefully you guys are excited for this short story as I am!


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