A New Start

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3rd Person POV

As Naruto announced he was Namikaze Minato's younger brother, all hell broke loose.

"What do you mean brother?!" 

"How is this possible?!"

"Why did we not know?!" 

Were the collective shrieks from everyone, bar one Shimura Danzo, who simply looked as if he was having a stroke.

As the panic carried on, a tick mark, prominent on Naruto and Hiruzen, began to throb angrily at the headless chickens before them, inciting them to once more, settle the place down, this time with murderous intent: a stronger, more potent version of killing intent, something only some Elite Jounin can do.


Their aura seemed to sync for a moment, causing the weaker members of the council, i.e. the civilians, to faint, Shibi's beetles to restlessly buzz, and Tsume's eyes to widen with a slight blush.

Once everything seemed calm, Naruto proceeded with his tale, "recounting" his life, unconsciously mixing his truth in there, making his lie the best ever created, impressing even Hiruzen at his ability to "lie".

"So, that is my life. Until now I have not really had a place to belong to properly, but it seems that with my brother, I will be able to provide my loyalty to Konohagakure." Naruto ended.

It took a moment of silence before Hiruzen began to wrap up the meeting.

"As you have heard, Naruto-kun has not had the best life, and yet, he proves himself worthy of respect every day of his life. That is the reason I chose to take him as my student. His will is impenetrable, his power is immense, and his compassion knows no bounds. He will be a force to be reckoned with, and a great addition to the village. If you have any more questions, Naruto will be able to answer them later on. For now, he will be busy incorporating himself in the village... He also has yet to meet Minato, so none of you better dare to even utter a word of what happened in here until Naruto is ready to meet Minato, otherwise I will have you thrown into the ANBU Dungeons for insubordination, is that understood?!" Hiruzen asked seriously as everyone shouted "HAI!"

"Very well. Meeting adjourned!" And with that, Naruto and Hiruzen vanished in a 'poof' of smoke and leaves.

"It seems Konoha will get more interesting from here, don't you think, Shikaku?" asked one Yamanaka Inoichi.

"Oh yes, yes it will, Inoichi... it seems life will become more tiresome..." Shikaku answered as they walked out.

*Hiruzen's Office*

"HAHHH! DAMN was that tiresome..." Naruto complained as he plopped onto the couch in Hiruzen's office, causing Hiruzen to chuckle.

"I agree with you, Naruto-kun. But you made great strides today. You have planted the seed of your authority with the council, and that is the hardest step. From here on out, things should almost work themselves out." Hiruzen said, only stopping as he saw Naruto's frown.

"I wish I could believe you, Jii-san... but I still need to work many details out if I wish to keep this dimension from going into war again. And it won't be easy... I know for a fact that the current generation is not, and, unfortunately, will not be strong enough for Madara's forces... Their children, on the other hand, will become legends in their own right. Shikaku's son was pretty much the pre-strategic mind of the war. No plan was enacted without his seal of approval, not even Shikaku's. Inoichi's daughter was able to cast her clan's Mind Speaker Jutsu onto the entire Shinobi Battalion, something Inoichi struggled with from what I understand. The heir for the Haruno clan became Tsunade-baa-chan's successor, while the youngest son of Fugaku became the successor of Orochimaru and I became Jiraiya-ero-kyofu's successor. Last thing I heard from my dimension's you was calling us the "Neo Three-Way Deadlock", the Nidaime no Densetsu no Sannin." Naruto told Hiruzen, entrusting him with a little more details than he had done the first time.

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