04| Mauerbauertraurigkeit

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M a u e r b a u e r t r a u r i g k e i t 


(n.) the inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like.



we push 

the people 

we love most

away from us,

to protect them.


It was all coffee,

Fucking coffee. 

For fuck's sake

Aaron shook his head as he watched her dose off, a ball of annoyance growing within him as he continued to glance at her every now and then.

He seriously thought that she took an overdose of nicotine, or a little too much of scotch to drink, because the reactions just seem to tell him that.

A pimp? he thought Really? A sigh escaping his lips as he watched the other students leave the bus - his azure eyes flickering to her occasionally as he grumbled.

How was she suppose to go home now?

He ran a hand through his hair before sighing again -something he always does when it comes to a mutation called Rose- before he started thinking of a strategy.

The thing he knew was that there was no way in this world he was going in her house - he may be rude and all, but he was a gentleman after all.

"For fuck's sake," He muttered, huffing in annoyance as his eyes fixated themselves on her.

It was as though the Lord was making him choose to either break his leg or sprain his ankle - none of which he wanted to do.

But before he could process another thought, his phone rang.

His eyes ran over the caller ID before he sighed, his day was just getting better and better. 

"What do you want Luke?" Aaron grumbled, obviously not in the mood for sweet talk with his fellow friend.

"Where in God's name are you Aaron?" Luke asked -and Aaron could practically hear the grin in his voice- "You're missing out!" He continued, Aaron rolling his eyes when he could hear the party music in the background.

Was this the God damn time?

"Luke," Aaron started, letting out a sigh before his eyes settled on the blonde pony tailed girl. "I have some shit I need to sort out,"

"Like what?" He could even imagine Luke raising his eyebrow up as though challenging him, which kinda frustrated Aaron.

"Shit you would never understand," Aaron retorted, rolling his eyes at how small of a brain Luke could have.

"Well use protection," Luke said, chuckling as Aaron could hear him click his tongue. "It's about time you got some,"

"Fuck off Luke."

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