00| Elysian

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E l y s i a n

(adj.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect. 


A book is proof that human are capable of working magic. 

    – Carl Sagan   


"Stupid, stupid, stupid –"

"Rose! Quarter in the swear jar for you!"

The blonde haired girl merely shrugged; her eyes still on her book as she fished her pocket for a quarter before mindlessly walking and tipping it into the jar.

"I don't really think Stupid is a curse word Helen," Rose's father, Peter explained, peering at Helen through his glasses. He glanced at Rose, who was still bundled up in her blankets on the living room sofa. "What's wrong pumpkin? Book character being annoying?"

Rose nodded sadly. "I want to burn this."

"Well you're not," Helen said, grinning profoundly. "It cost money."

Eventually, the book irritated Rose so much that she got off the sofa abruptly and headed up stairs. "I am going out for air." She said simply, already hearing the Absolutely not! of her mother.


It was half past four and the pastel colours of the sky swirled together in such harmony that Rose thought she was going to go blind.

The sun was still peeking its rays through the soft hued clouds, giving the atmosphere an almost light coloured sheen.

The Springfield Park was one public place that shared a numerous number of Rose's distinct memories – both embarrassing and hilarious – but it was always her number one spot for a book morning period or just some character fuss that her house couldn't possibly handle.

This park has seen Rose cry over fictional deaths, swear over fictional stupidity, and even just the numbness of Rose's soul after a book hanger over – the park was a friend that saw Rose in her ugly, but never said anything about it.

Being only a few miles from Rose's house, it was yet another reason why she frequently visited during the summer; listening to some of her songs on her phone, the blonde haired girl was completely content about it too.

It was quite a chilly day, and of course out of all days, Rose chose to wear a thin shirt with quarter sleeves, allowing cold gushes of wind to seep through her shirt rather easily.

Cold and frustrated, Rose was surprisingly still able to mouth to some of the lyrics to the songs she was listening to, and even skipped a few steps.

It was very rare when she was allowed to come here, Helen always implying that it wasn't a safe place –There are bad guys there Rose, they'll come and get you and I will let them keep you – but Rose took risks, and whenever she came here, she would always make the most of it.

Settling on one of the benches, Rose was about to pull her book out when her eyes caught sight of a dark figure just a few feet away from her.

Clearly Rose's mind drifted to the Bad guys her Mother was talking about – Oh my God they are actually here I am going to die die die

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