23| Querencia

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Q u e r e n c i a


(n.) a place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self.


The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.


She felt that the world got stitched together.

That all the tectonic plates underneath the ground merged together and Earth became a whole different place.

Well it did anyway to her.

The sun was extra gentle these days, the breeze the perfect speed of cool, and the night sky shimmering with its beaming stars. The Moon was beautiful too; shining more brightly than ever before.

She felt as though all the planets have aligned -something that was clearly impossible but she felt as if it was even messing with the way everything was.

It was butterflies and reckless stutters and coloured cheeks along with obnoxious giggles -Goodness gracious- and Rose couldn't even take herself seriously. It was as if she was a 7 year old kid with her first boyfriend 3 minutes after they first met.

It was just absolutely insane.

She felt giddy all the time, and her stomach was either fluttering with butterflies or igniting with fireworks. And all this just kept getting stronger by every passing day; the butterflies became more ticklish and the fireworks more tingling.

It was just insane. But she absolutely loved it.


"No one can really compare with a fictional character Aiden," Except one.

Aiden scoffed. "Fictional boys any day," Rose added with a chirp.

"I think you keep forgetting that I am real and this guy isn't," Aiden broke down the sad truth to her. "And as a person, I'd prefer you kiss me rather than some filthy book."


"Fine, kiss your boyfriend." Aiden rolled his eyes. Rose tried to stay calm.

"You're filthy," Rose corrected, quirking up an eyebrow.

Aiden chuckled. "And you both are lame, I mean it so happened I spotted you both and you're reading? On a free period?"

Aaron shrugged. "What's your point?"

Aiden clicked his tongue. "My point is how about you both earn yourselves some social lives and -oh I don't know- go out?"

Aaron sighed. "If you're going to insult us on how mentally gifted we are then please leave," She could feel him lace their fingers together. "The book is getting good."

Aiden sent his friend a scowl before picking up his bag. "I have better things to do anyway." He then grinned, sending Rose a small wink. "See you at lunch darling."

Aaron clenched his hands. "God screw you." But Aiden was already walking away.

She gave their fingers an encouraging squeeze. "He's just messing around,"

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