36| Epilogue

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E p i l o g u e 


(n.) a section at the end of a book that serves as a conclusion to what has happened.


We've decided on forever.


D E D I C A T I O N 



N o t e 

On the friendlier and more emotionally put together note, I hereby present to all of you the epilogue of Hers, and I cannot tell you how hard it was to write this - I was pretty much so emotionally distraught that I went into a freaking writer's block, but I really hope you guys enjoy this, and I hope I did a good job and gave this story a justified epilogue. 

I will be hosting a one shot and dedications chapter, so no worries.

There will be no A/N at the end of the chapter because I am probably sobbing, but I hope you enjoy.

This is the longest chapter I have ever written, and God, I cannot even believe that Hers is finished. (dfnkjk)

I am planning on also doing another Q&A, so if you have a question you'd like to ask me, I will feature it in the next chapter if I get a good amount of questions! (Please ask and make me look cool.)

P.S. Chase isn't mentioned because the plot changed in my head, and I am still deciding on a few characters, so bear with me. 

-Nadia xoxo


"Okay listen you fuckfaces, there is only five minutes until she comes so CAN WE HAVE SOME FUCKING ORDER AROUND HERE?" Luke bellowed, his eyes dilated with adrenalin as he and Andrew scurried off to recheck the balloons and decorations while Aiden rolled his eyes.

"It isn't even his surprise party," he muttered, and through the three months Aaron hasn't seen him, he got a slight tan.

Aaron shrugged. "You know how he is when it comes to Rose," he said simply.

Aiden pursed his lips. "He's been like that with Lana too," he said.

"I guess it's his way of showing us he approves of our girls."

Aiden shrugged, still annoyed. "I'll go check on the cake. I don't even know how to check a cake, like do I make sure it is position straight at the mid-point of the plate?"

Aaron let out a little laugh. "I think Luke asked you to check the candles," he said.

"No, it was the cake."

"I'm pretty sure I heard candles."

Aiden gave him a flat look. "Fine, I'll go check the candles."

"That's great –"

"– and give the cake the attention it deserves."

Aaron grinned. "I won't tell Luke."

Aiden winked. "Now we're talking."

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