06| Froward

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F r o w a r d 


(adj.) habitually rebellious


We are all afraid of getting hurt.


The days when Aaron got annoyed were the days he was most quiet.

And those were the days the rest of the gang seemed to always have something interesting going on in their lives.

"I'm not kidding man," Aiden said, a funny grin garnishing his lips. "I got kicked out of class because I was trying to help this dude right in front of me."

Tristan scoffed. "While simultaneously trying to flirt with the girl next to you." He let out an annoyed breath before he shook his head. "Cut the bull shit Aiden."

Aiden's grinned widened. "It's called multi-tasking for a reason," He smirked as he slightly nodded his head. "You're just jealous she didn't even spare you a glance."

Tristan rolled his eyes before he took a slurp of his milk (Which Aaron found kind of repulsing considering he was a very anti drink-milk-alone kind of guy). "Yeah sure, I will be jealous of the guy who doesn't even know the multiples of 9, let alone the Law of Conservation of Energy."

"That's because I actually have a life Tristan," Aiden said, a throaty chuckle escaping his lips as he shook his head. "And besides, at the end of the day, the multiples of nine and the Law of Conservation of Energy is just a bunch of useless crap that we will forget on the second day of college." He smirked. "I'm just accepting that faster than you are."

"Whatever." Tristan snickered as he sighed. "Where the hell is Luke?"

"He's in detention." Aaron said as he took a sip of his water. And when Tristan's and Aiden's eyebrows rose, he continued. "He pulled another stupid prank on Mr. Tom."

Aiden nodded his head understandingly. "I never liked that guy."

Tristan also agreed, nodding his head as he spoke. "He's an asshole."

"What about Andrew?" Aiden asked, flicking some of his dark hair off his eyes. "Didn't see the poor guy since Biology."

Tristan nodded his head. "We had Algebra together, he is just catching up on some work." 

Aiden rose an eyebrow. "Andrew? Catching up on work? It like a pig flying and a fish walking on the 30th of February."

Tristan's eyes bubbled with excitement. "Hey did you know that there was actually a date with 30th Feb-"

"At this point of the school year, I doubt anyone gives a fuck," Aiden interrupted. (He loved doing this to Tristan) "Am I right Aaron?"

"It's only the second week of school." Aaron said as he rubbed his temples, wishing he would just go to bed. 

"And your point is?" Aiden said, stealing some fries off Tristan's plate. (Which he immediately responded by smacking his hand off)

"You have absolutely no IQ," Tristan interjected. "That's what it means."

"God Tris," Aiden said. "That went straight to the heart."

"If you have one." Tristan piped in, sipping some more of his milk. (Which Aaron refrained from cringing to)

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