03| Kalon

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K a l o n 

  /kəˈlän, (ˈ)ka¦l-/ 

(n.) beauty that is more than skin deep.


 Being called weird is like being called Limited Edition. 

It means you're something people don't see often.


"Wait, so you make a hole?" Her father asked, scrunching his nose in disapproval as he shook his head. "Why would you do that?"

"Then how do you think the ring will go in Dad?" Rose asked, stifling a laugh at his confused expression. "It's called a nose piercing for a reason - you pierce your nose."

Her Dad shook his head. "Then what about if you blow your nose? Will the piercing go away too?"

And she couldn't hold that laugh in any longer.


"Or while you take a shower, doesn't your pores open and the piercing can fall off?" He explained, scratching his temple as he sighed. "I thought they were stickers or something."

"There are fake ones," Rose said, smiling at her Mom when she entered. "You just stick them on."

"Okay alright," Peter said, taking a slow sip of his coffee as though he was still in thought. "But what about-"

"Can we please stop talking about nose piercings over breakfast?" Helen snickered, placing a plate of toast on the table as she sat down and let out a sigh. "It's uncomfortable and disturbing."

"But I want one on my lip," Rose interjected, instantly making her parents snap their wide eyes towards her, and it was as if Peter was going to go into cardiac arrest.

"Just kidding!" She said, laughing at how her parents took their first intake of breath before her Mom said. "That wasn't funny. I thought my daughter was a punk for a moment."

"It was to me," Rose shrugged, smiling at how her Dad quirked an eyebrow.

"For a minute there, I actually believed you. What the bloody hell is wrong with me today?" Peter said, taking a sip of his coffee before his wife smacked his arm.

"No cussing around here," She said sternly, irritation bubbling in her brown eyes as a huff left her lips.

"Sorry," Peter mumbled, rolling his eyes at her childish behavior before he took a bite of his toast.

"Alright I'm gonna head to school now," Rose smiled, getting up as she kissed both her parents on the cheek. "And probably come back with a nose piercing."

And she swore she could hear their hearts stop beating when she left the room.


"We didn't need anything for Algebra did we?" Lana asked, her blonde curls bouncing up and down as she continued walking. "Because my bag is pretty much empty."

For a new girl Lana was confident and very outgoing -something Rose wasn't even close to- and it was a miracle on how they clicked.

She was the first friend Rose had in a very long time, and truth be told, she wished she did this earlier.

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