35. Bill Guarnere; You're Alright Kid

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You couldn't quite shake the chill that seemed to linger in the air nowadays. It didn't even have to be cold for you to catch a shiver, so when you were handed a bowl of hot food after returning from another patrol, you relished in it. Carrying your bowl to the nearest seat, you began to dig in.

A private who had been on patrol with you sat down a ways across the room with a couple of the other guys. While you were preoccupied with trying to unwind, the private seemed to be recounting his side of a contentious moment you shared.

"That hard ass, Y/L/N, starts yelling at me like I did something wrong-"

"You were probably doing something fucking wrong," Guarnere spat, having overheard from a few feet away. "Y/L/N is one of the best out here, and you got some nerve saying shit about 'em."

The private started to get defensive. "It wasn't-"

But once again, he didn't get to finish his sentence. "Don't you fucking listen? Keep that name out of your dirty mouth. If they said something to you, you were probably being a dumbass."

Bull and Martin, both sitting next to you, exchanged looks with each other before turning to you. Both of their faces seem to say Did you see that?

You hadn't even heard the kid complaining, but you had certainly heard Guarnere. While you were typically one to fight your own battles—or choose which ones were best left alone—there was something reassuring knowing that Bill was willing to stick up for you.

You blinked as the eyes in the room awkwardly shifted around the room; some avoiding you, others focusing on you. Someone coughed and some chatter resumed. You weren't sure if this required your reaction, so you just silently finished your supper.


It had been on the tip of your tongue to thank him every time he crossed your path. Or came into your line of sight. Or was generally in close proximity.

"Hey, Guarnere." You fell into step with him. "I wanted to say thanks."

"For what?" Guarnere appeared genuinely confused.

"For telling off that private. Never really had anyone stick up for me like that, and I kinda figured you didn't like me much," you admitted.

"I like you just fine," he shrugged, clapping you on the back. "And you've been here long enough to prove yourself. That kid don't know shit."

"Thank you, again." You reached for something else to say. "He was being a dumbass. He almost shot our own guys."

"Fucking replacements," Bill shook his head.

"I was a replacement not too long ago," you reminded him. "And Babe, and I know you trust us."

"Yeah, and neither of you are dumbasses." He thought for a second before laughing and amending himself. "Neither of you are dumbasses in the field."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Whatever you want, kid." He clapped your shoulder as you both moved up in line.

You smiled a little to yourself. For every second you wished you were home, there was a slight part of you that knew you'd miss these guys.

turns out i am capital S Stupid. i completely forgot the timeline and wrote this with "The Last Patrol" in mind, bypassing the fact that Bill's not even there. but i had the whole thing written before i even realized (idk how either), so we're gonna use some imagination today. fudge around a little and i'm sure you can make it make sense.

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