20. Bill Guarnere; When The Night Has Come

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"Are you about done tormenting these poor boys?" Your hands squeezed Bill's broad shoulders.

He turned his head to look up at you, a smile spread across his face. "Not quite yet, sweetheart."

Shaking your head, you addressed the new replacements—Babe's buddies. "I apologize, Bill can be a real-" An incredulous look from your boyfriend stopped you. "Don't take him too seriously. He's just trying to scare you."

"Nah, the Krauts'll scare 'em enough," Bill added.

Their faces went from nervous to terrified, though they all tried to hide it.

"And on that note," you patted Bill's shoulder, signaling him to get up, "I'm hankering for a dance. What do you say, Wild Bill?"

"I say I gotta give my girl a dance," he responded as you hooked your arm with his. He nodded to the surrounding men before you led him away.

The cheery chatter in the pub all but drowned out the music, but from the little spot you found to dance in, you could make out enough of the beat to keep in step.

"Shouldn't I be leading?" Bill questioned.

You laughed. "Not after our last dance."

It may have been the alcohol, but you could have sworn you saw him blush. "You said you weren't gonna hold that against me."

"This isn't holding it against you," you countered. "This is a precautionary measure."

As you two swayed in circles around your area, you settled your head into his shoulder. There was no telling if you were keeping up with the music or not; neither of you were paying attention to it anyway.

"How'd you learn, anyway?" he asked, breaking  your spell of silence.

"To lead?"

"To dance."

You groaned slightly as you lifted your head to look at him. "My parents forced me into cotillion, and I had all these lessons on etiquette and proper dress and how to dance and the like. They taught me how to a proper young lady."

"Well, Jesus, what happened?" he chuckled.

You swatted his arm. "At least I can lead. How about you?"

"My mother taught me," he replied, a soft smile on his face at the memory. "She made sure her boys knew how to dance, but, uh, not how to lead, I guess."

After a small eternity in each other's arms, both you were snapped out of your self-contained bubble of love. Lipton's announcement left a somber silence over everyone.

You turned to look at Bill, who all but blinked back at you.

You two followed many of the other guys out of the bar, and his arm snaked around your waist, instinctively holding you as close as possible.

The air enveloped you in a chill that matched the mood. You nestled yourself even closer to him as you walked, hoping to commandeer some of his body heat. Even though there were several others headed back to their quarters, the night air carried only the sounds of feet hitting the gravel.

"I'll keep you safe," he stated, his grim expression difficult to read.

You closed your eyes momentarily and leaned into the kiss he pressed to your temple. "I know you will. I'm counting on it."

He looked down into your eyes, illuminated by the moonlight. "Not to get all sentimental, but I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you."

"I do, but it's you I'm worried about something happening to." You stopped walking, making him stop as well. "Please don't do anything rash."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he scoffed.

You looked at him sternly, silently warning him not to argue. "You know what I mean. I need you after this is all said and done too, not just when the bullets are flying."

Slowly, he nodded. "Okay."

You leaned in, and he met you halfway.

Another tumblr request 😊

I just got home from camping today, so hopefully I'll be able to get in more writing this week. M'kay.


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