8. Joseph Liebgott; Love and War

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It was a dangerous game, falling in love, at any time. A broken heart was always a possibility, but falling in love in the midst of a war was a different ball game altogether.

But neither of you cared.

"I loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you," Joe had claimed.

"Well, I loved you before I knew you."

He gave you a look of disbelief. "That's not fair."

You just leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips before pulling away and smiling. "All is fair in love and war, honey bunch."

It was a classic fairytale love. You found your comfort and peace in each other's embrace, and it was a love no one would dare touch.

But war isn't always fair. The enemy cares not about you or your love.

So as you lay bleeding, you thought of what you had once said to Joe. As the words circled your dizzied mind, his face appeared over you.

The desperation and pain in his face was enough to tell you that nothing was fair in war.

"Y/N! Hey, hey!" He pulled you into his arm, trying to keep you awake. "Medic!" He shrieked before grasping your tired face. "Y/N, hey! You're gonna be fine, okay?"

It was getting harder to breath. The pain was pulsing from under your ribs, but you had to say something—anything—to ease Joe's straining voice.

"Joe?" you managed.

He tried to smile through his frantic expression. "There you are. You're gonna be fine. Don't you worry. We'll be home soon enough, okay?"

You saved your breath and nodded as Doc Roe finally made it to you. You weren't sure at what point you had been put into someone else's arms, but everything was slowly melding together.

Joe ran a hand through his hair, walking through the front door. "Honey, I'm home!" he jokingly announced.

"Shh," you held a finger to your lips, holding your toddler son around his torso to keep him from running away.

"Hmm, I wonder where my family is," your husband wondered out loud. "I know I left them here this morning."

Your little boy managed to wiggle out of your grip and went running into the living room from where you two had been hiding. "Here 'am, Daddy!"

You came out of hiding in time to watch Joe pick up your son.

"There you are! Were you hiding from me?" he laughed.

"Mama hide," your son giggled as you joined the two.

"We were going to surprise you," you admitted, sliding an arm around Joe's waist.

He freed an arm and wrapped it around you, his fingers resting over a spot of raised skin—your scar. This had become a habit of his since you two had reunited after your time in the hospital. "Surprise me, huh? Well, I sure was surprised."

You shook your head. "We've got another surprise." You turned to your son. "What were you supposed to tell Daddy?"

The little boy's face lit up again. "Baby!"

Joe's eyes widened and he looked over at you. "What? Really?"

You nodded, unable to contain your smile.

He brought you into a hug, squeezing you both.

War may not have been fair, but love was making up for it in every conceivable way.

A request from tumblr! 😊 M'kay.


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