28. Bill "Hoosier" Smith; The Moon and Her Earth

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"I'm going to sleep, so nobody better fucking talk to me." Hoosier pulled the blanket tighter around himself and leaned against a dirt mound. The haze of sleep began settling over him just as you crawled in.

"You boys have fun without me?" You shuffled around Runner and Sid to sit next to Hoosier, who's eyes peeled open at the sound of your voice.

"Not possible," he beamed, still a little groggy.

You grinned as your lips met in a greeting kiss. "Oh yeah?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

"I thought no one was supposed to talk to you," Runner piped in.

Leckie shook his head, closing the notebook he had been jotting in. "But Y/N isn't no one, is she?"

Hoosier mustered up a little annoyance and glanced at the snickering men. "Would you all shut up?"

"Sorry, we'll let you sit in your warm fuzzies some more," Chuckler teased. "Y/N, you should hang around all the time. Maybe he'd stop being so grouchy."

"Him grouchy? Not my Bill Smith," you jokingly proclaimed. "He's an absolute ray of sunshine at all times."

Your boyfriend rolled his eyes. "Not you too."

"Aw, don't pout, Hoos," Runner said, patting the other man's leg. "She's not even wrong. You and the sun have got plenty in common. For instance, I can't look at either of you long before my eyes burn."

Another howl of laughter sounded from the group.

At this point, Hoosier actually was pouting, still hugging himself with the blanket. You noticed the look on his face and gave him a sympathizing look.

"Oh, come here." You tugged on him until he rested his head in your lap. Stroking your fingers through his hair, you made a face at him until he smiled.

"If Hoosier's the sun, doesn't that make Y/N the moon?" Sid inquired once the chatter died down.

Everyone expectantly looked at Leckie—except for Hoosier, who's eyes stayed trained on your face—knowing he would have something poetic to say. And he didn't disappoint.

The curly-haired writer leaned forward, as if about to tell a rousing story to a group of children. "Let's say Hoosier's the Earth-"

"Oh, now I'm Mother Earth?" Hoosier cut in, earning an amusedly chiding look from you.

Unaffected, Leckie continued. "The pallid, faithful Moon, has been the one
Companion of the Earth. Her tender face,
Pale with the swift, keen purpose of that race,
     Which at Time's natal hour was first begun,
     Shines ever on her lover as they run
And lights his orbit with her silvery smile."

Everyone allowed a moment for the words to process.

"Hey, what's pallid mean?" Chuckler asked, breaking the silence.

"Pale," Leckie answered.

You scrunched your nose, laughing. "Hard to be pale in this weather."

"Not to mention you've got some dirt smeared in a few places there," Runner commented.

"You're one to talk," Hoosier snapped back. "I think you look cute with dirt on your face, Y/N."

You leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Thank you." The loving gaze you two exchanged earned a few groans.

"Are you two going to be like this all the time?" Chuckler asked. "Because if so, I take back what I said about Y/N being with us all the time. Please feel free to take Hoosier so you two can make out somewhere else."

Leckie and Runner grumbled their agreements, but Sid argued, though with a laugh—"Come on, guys. They're cute. What else do we have to be happy about around here?"

"Phillips, you can stay," Hoosier announced. "Everyone else can kindly fuck off." With that, he closed his eyes and once again tried to sleep.

You looked down at his face—not unlike the moon over the Earth—and smiled. His hair was sticking up from his forehead where you had been playing with it, and the sight made your heart skip a beat.

Upon noticing Hoosier's hand reaching for yours in his semi-conscious state, Runner snorted. "He's soft for you even in his sleep."

"Didn't I already tell you to shut up?"

Yo I love Hoosier. I def have other requests but this was a tumblr request and I've been feeling Hoosier lately, so I had to get it out. The poem is an excerpt from "A Solar Eclipse" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

I start school on Monday so wish me luck on my sophomore year of college ✌🏼🙃 I am NOT prepared. M'kay.


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