29. Wilbur "Runner" Conley; Picking Favorites

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You had seen many faces come in and out of the hospital. Many of them were despondent—missing appendages, limbs, and worst of all, hope—but of course, there were also the guys that mostly just needed some patching up and time to readjust. You were glad to see your latest patient was responsive enough to notice when you walked in.

"You can call me Wilbur," he said after you politely referred to him as Mr. Conley. "Or Bud. My buddies in my unit called me Runner."

"Runner, huh? Do I get to guess why?"

A wide smile spread across his face. "They weren't the most creative bunch."

That worked a light chuckle out of you as you checked his arm. "So you run. You ran track, I'm assuming."

He hissed a bit, but his smile returned when your eyes met. "Yes, ma'am. I hope to continue when I get home."

"Sorry," you mumbled, moving your fingers to another spot. "Does this hurt?"

Though his jaw clenched a bit, he shook his head, still managing to look amused. "Nope. Feels like rainbows and butterflies, nurse."

"Are you calling me nurse because that's what I am or because you've forgotten my name?" You continued to inspect his injuries as you spoke.

"I'm not so creative either," he replied, sort of shrugging with one shoulder. "And I don't exactly recall you introducing yourself."

"I didn't, did I?" was all you said as you wrapped his arm back up. "Now, if this starts to hurt on its own or you have any other concerns, you make sure to let me know."

"I do have a concern, actually."

You raised your eyebrows. "What is it?"

"You still haven't told me your name." His face showed no desperation or insistence. Like he was just pointing it out.

You hesitated, your mouth beginning to form the first sound. "My name is Y/N."

"Alright, Y/N," he began, testing out how the name felt on his tongue. "I'll let you know if I have anymore problems."

It was almost a mistake telling him your name. At any given moment if he thought you were in earshot, he would be calling for you.

"I thought you were in serious pain," you had scolded him after you took off from the other side of the hall to him. You had found him grinning ear to ear, smoking a cigarette.

"I was," he declared. "My feelings were hurt that I hadn't seen you today."

After that, you let him yell a little before going to check on him. The other nurses found it endearing at first, but when they realized he wouldn't let anyone else check on him, they urged you to talk to him.

"We can't let him wait for hours when you're not here," one of them said.

Another one nudged you with a teasing smile. "Just tell him you'll marry him, so maybe he'll shut up."

"I'll talk to him," but you ignored the last suggestion. As you stopped at the foot of Runner's bed, you exaggeratedly sighed. "You're obnoxious, you know that?"

He appeared unfazed. "What I am is tired. I've been calling you forever."

You gave him a dry look. "Really? I had no clue." You drew to his side, once again checking the state of his healing arm. "Why won't you let any of the other nurses check on you? You know I'm not here all the time."

He waited until you met his eyes. "I like you best."

The heat that rose to your face felt like fire, and you were almost sure he knew that he'd flustered you, despite your relatively even expression. "I do the same job everyone else does, Runner."

"That's why I like you best." The quizzical look on your face encouraged him to elaborate. "You think every nurse that comes in here does the same thing as you, but they don't."

"Well, that's a little concerning, but that doesn't change the fact that you can't go the hours I'm not here without getting checked. We need to make sure you continue to get better."

"I am. I'm always fine when you check on me," he argued, still not backing down. "It's more fun when you're worried about me."

"You'll have to leave eventually," you sighed. "What will you do for fun then?"

"Run," he answered. "I'll run everywhere. I'll run back here just to see you."

You just shook your head wearing a small smile.

"I know you'd miss me."

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"That means you would definitely miss me."

"I'd miss that smile," you mumbled under your breath, though you knew he could hear.

His silence only embarrassed you further.

"Oh, goodness," you nervously laughed. "Did I really say that? I say some silly things sometimes." All you could think about now was how dry your mouth was.

Before you could take your hands from his arm, he took hold of one with his own. "You know why you're my favorite. It has nothing to do with how well you do your job."

"But that's really all this is supposed to be," you reasoned. "I'm supposed to do my job, and you're supposed to get better. Then you leave, go back home to whoever you've got waiting for you, and I get the satisfaction of knowing I sent someone's boy home."

Something in his eyes softened as his grip on your hand slightly tightened. "Do you have someone waiting for you at home?"

"No one but family."

He nodded, thinking his next words out. "Marry me."

Before you could even muster up an answer, you heard gasps from behind you. "Don't be dumb. Say 'yes'!" one of the girls encouraged. No doubt the same one from earlier.

You weren't sure how long they had been eavesdropping, but you were starting to understand what Runner had meant about them not doing the same job.

A million and one things ran through your mind, and saying yes was one of the more prominent thoughts. But...

The sincerity in his eyes and the slight falter in his hopeful smile made you so sure in your reply.


I have genuinely been trying to write this for eons now. Whack. Anyway, this was a tumblr request, and we love Runner so I was more than happy to write it.

I hate college.



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