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"When I first laid eyes on you
When I heard your heartbeat too
Oh I never knew, I could witness an angel so beautiful."

Song: Mama's Hand ~ Queen Naija

Seven years later...

Khalan's POV

"We'll need these, and these, and these," I said, putting more items into Austin's arms.

"Okay, can you not like dump all these on me at once?" he protested.

"Do you want the very pregnant lady to carry all these?" I pointed out, gesturing to myself.

"At least wait for Liam to bring the cart," he groaned. "Why are you even doing all this anyway? Like you said, you're very pregnant."

"I refuse to sit in bed like a sack of potatoes while you guys have all the Thanksgiving fun," I huffed.

"My advice, rest now. When that baby comes, you'll be on your feet twenty-four seven," he said.

I chuckled. Austin and Jess had welcomed their own little bundle of joy about three months ago. They lived in New York, so I didn't see them often, but at least they and their little one were in town until the holidays were over.

"Got one!" Liam sang, wheeling a cart towards us with his son strapped to his front.

"Took you long enough," Austin said, emptying the contents of his hands into the cart.

"Hey, I had to wrestle this out of an old lady's hands," Liam said. "Do you know how difficult it is to fight an old lady with a baby strapped to you? Granny got claws."

"There you guys are," Renée said, walking towards us. "Khalan I've been calling your damn cell phone for ten minutes now."

I checked my phone and saw that it was on silent mode. "Oops."

"Renée baby, don't swear in front of the baby!" Liam scolded his wife. "Our swear jar will end up paying for his college tuition."

Renée just sighed, and then noticed her baby.

"Liam?" she called.

"Yes love?"

"Why is my baby wearing aluminum foil instead of a diaper?" she asked.

Liam's eyes widened. "Because um...we were out of diapers?"

"You mean you forgot to buy them," she deadpanned.

"Well luckily for us we're in a grocery store," Liam grinned sheepishly.

Renée only shook her head. The two were still such an interesting pair.

"Where's Maya?" she asked, referring to their three-year-old.

"With her uncle Jacob out for ice cream," Liam answered. "She can never decide what she wants and he's the only one who has the patience for that."

I chuckled. "Remind you of anyone?"

"Yeah," he said, before pointing in Renée's direction. "So annoying."

I only shook my head at him.

Liam and Renée made things happen the fastest out of all of us believe it or not. After the summer they got together they took a break when they had to get back to their lives. Didn't stop them from hooking up every time we all got together though. After being so on and off they decided to make things official after we all graduated. A year later they eloped in Vegas, catching all of us by surprise. They had a little ceremony after though for family and friends. The next year we found out she was pregnant with Maya. Two years later they had their now one-year old son Kendall. They were head over heels in love with each other and still had the same dynamic as when they first got together.

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