Author's Note

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Hello my lovely readers! First of all if you made it this far I'd just like to say thank you so much for giving my book a chance, especially if you've followed the story from the first and second books.

This story like I said was a roller coaster and really did challenge me to come out of my comfort zone regarding the themes that usually characterize my stories. I also read over and see how much better my writing has become and I love that I can keep growing!

Next I'd like to say thanks to all those who took the time to vote or leave a comment. I appreciate each and every one of you. Silent readers, don't worry, I haven't forgotten you. Thank you guys too for checking out my work.

Now, down to business. ;)

If you remember, when I started this book I said that this was one of the two projects I was working on. Well, it's exactly what you think. The fourth and FINAL book in this entire series will be from Leslie's point of view. I was going to end with this book initially but when I got the idea of the next one I just couldn't shake it. Plus, who wouldn't want to see Shawn Mitchell as a dad? ;)

The next book will be called "You and Me." At least that's if I don't decide to change it haha. For now, I'll only leave you with that excerpt to get you excited about it. I might post the first chapter, but unfortunately the book will be actively posted later rather than sooner. I'm stepping away from this series just for a bit to focus on finishing my other story, "Once Upon A Bus Ride," and also to introduce two new stories separate from this. Just be a little patient and give me a little time, I'll upload the fourth book in a while.

I hope you guys will check out my other story of stories that I will be writing soon and show support as well.

I love you guys! Thanks for everything, and hopefully you'll show Leslie some love when her book comes out!

Thanks once again!

- amani

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