Chapter 19: Anyone Else Want To Suck Souls?

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Trigger warning

"Loving never gave me a home, so I'll sit here in the silence."

Song: Silence ~ Marshmello ft Khalid


19. Anyone Else Want To Suck Souls?

The images were vivid.

Scattered pills.

Scarred wrists.

And a body that lay helpless on the floor, desperate for everything to end.

It was an easy way out, that's why she took it isn't it?

Or maybe it was the peace.

The perfect peace.

Why else would she do that to herself?

Why on earth would she do that to herself?

I stood there and watched, as she was found.

I saw the hands that frantically called 911, barely able to press the buttons because of the tears that were being spilled.

Why would she do that to herself?

I saw the lights of the ambulance approaching.

I heard the sounds of the sirens blaring like it was signaling a purge.

This was a fight for survival anyway wasn't it?

I saw the body being wheeled inside.

The hairs on my body stood up.

Why would she do that to herself?

I climbed into the back of the ambulance, but no one objected. It was like I wasn't even there.

Who was she?

And why would she do that to herself?

Someone help me understand.

Was life that unkind to her?

Or was she just a coward who fled at the first sign of trouble?

Why would she do that to herself?

Didn't she know she had family? Friends who would be devastated?

Didn't she know that even though she'd be gone and have it easy, the people she left behind wouldn't?

Was she just being irresponsible?

I don't get it.

Why would she do that to herself?

I slowly drew closer, to get a better look.

My heart thumped aggressively in my chest.

I knew the features all too well.

Same nose.

Same mouth.

Same hair.

Same face.

But I was here, my heart was still beating.

So why would she do that to herself?


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