Chapter 7: Can I Decapitate Him First?

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"When your heart don't bleed the way it used to
Help is on the way."

Song: Help ~ Galantis


7. Can I Decapitate Him First?

"Liam, get your ass back here !" Renée groaned.

Whatever antic Liam was pulling now was typical. He was a happy boy I guess, a trait I was envious of.

"Who's idea was it to go fishing?" Jess asked, making a disgusted face at the bait.

"Liam's," Tess chuckled. "I thought we could go rock climbing."

"Okay, no," she chuckled. "I can do whatever, but not that."

"This is fun," Khalan remarked.

"If you ever want to surprise me, I hate the outdoors," Jessica told Austin, who just chuckled and kissed her on the lips.

Shawn took a handful of dirt from the ground and flung it at them.

"Seriously dude?" Austin asked. "The next time you and Khalan are getting it on I'll make sure you get hit with a ball of sand.

"Michaels and I don't do that in public," Shawn smirked. "See we're usually alone for that kinda stu-"

Khalan elbowed him in the stomach, making him end his sentence.

"You know very well he wasn't talking about that!" she hissed at him, flushing pink.

"You're cute when you're nervous," he winked, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

Austin hurled a ball of dirt at them.

"Austin!" Khalan called.

He shrugged, smirking. "Shawn started it."

Jacob appeared beside me, holding the rest of the bait he went back for. "What did I miss?"

"Well, Renée wants to kill Liam, Tess seems to enjoy the idea of possibly falling to her death, Jessica hates being outside, Austin's throwing dirt at people, and Khalan and Shawn apparently have a lot of fun behind close doors," I said. "Up to date enough?"

Jacob laughed. "Strangely nothing about that recap seems unusual, thank you."

I hung out with weird people, but then again if they weren't weird I'd be bored.

Jacob set the bait down and clapped his hands together. "Okay, let's get this show on the road."

"Can I decapitate him first?" Renée asked, holding Liam by the arm.

"Now Renée," Liam told her. "You need to dial it down a bit. Your intense attraction to me is becoming way too obvious."

Renée let him go immediately and shook her head. "I can't with you Liam Henry."

"Huh, and in recent development, Renée seems to have a secret crush on Liam too," I added.

"Sometimes I question my decision of choosing to spend the summer with you people," Jacob joked.

He squeezed my shoulder and walked towards the speedboats.

"How about we have a little fun with this?" Liam suggested.

"What do you mean?" Tess questioned.

"Well we have two boats," he continued with a smirk. "Whichever team catches the least amount of fish pays for dinner."

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